Expand program memory (EEPROM)
Posts: 5
I have a Basic Stamp 2 BS2PX24 and i've almost used up all the available program memory (EEPROM). Is there a way to increase its memory by adding another external EEPROM chip or is this not possible for program memory? Would it make more sense to just get another Basic Stamp 2 to carry out other tasks·by interfacing it with the current·BS2?·- basically acting as a slave to the BS2PX24?
Thanks for any advice.
I have a Basic Stamp 2 BS2PX24 and i've almost used up all the available program memory (EEPROM). Is there a way to increase its memory by adding another external EEPROM chip or is this not possible for program memory? Would it make more sense to just get another Basic Stamp 2 to carry out other tasks·by interfacing it with the current·BS2?·- basically acting as a slave to the BS2PX24?
Thanks for any advice.
If you've already filled up a lot of the slots or your program isn't really suitable for multi-slots, you could use multiple Stamps. Depending on your needs, you could move some tasks into other external controllers. For example, if you're controlling servo motors, you could add a Propeller Servo Controller. There are similar controllers for DC motors.
You might also consider moving your project to a Propeller. There are several tools available for easing the conversion from PBasic to Spin/Assembly including Bean's new PropBasic compiler which takes a variant of SX/B (based on PBasic and intended for the SX) and compiles it to Propeller assembly code.
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
·"If you build it, they will come."
Tracy Allen