Unicode conversion?
I'm running low on space, and it would be worthwhile to move all dialog boxes and static data to SD.
But you know I love my special characters [noparse]:)[/noparse] And my menu/dialogs are full of them.
So it looks like I need to include Unicode support, after all if I don't, then you wouldn't be able to edit PrEditor with PrEditor.
Has anyone started anything like this?
A search in the Obex for "unicode" turns up empty.
NYC Area Prop Club
Prop Forum Search (Via Google)
But you know I love my special characters [noparse]:)[/noparse] And my menu/dialogs are full of them.
So it looks like I need to include Unicode support, after all if I don't, then you wouldn't be able to edit PrEditor with PrEditor.
Has anyone started anything like this?
A search in the Obex for "unicode" turns up empty.
NYC Area Prop Club
Prop Forum Search (Via Google)
If so, then you could always just use a translation table and store the characters in a standard byte. If not then you might have to look at either UTF-16 (double the storage size) or UTF-8 (which has some tricky parsing you'd probably have to do on the fly).
Personally I'd be tempted to cheat and just use the 256 characters in the propeller font translated the same way the propeller tool does into a byte.
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.
I'm only interested in the Propeller Font character set at the moment. I guess it won't be true Unicode then. Thats ok as a starting point though I think.
NYC Area Prop Club
Prop Forum Search (Via Google)