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SIRCS Sniffer Problems — Parallax Forums

SIRCS Sniffer Problems

RS_JimRS_Jim Posts: 1,773
edited 2010-01-14 18:21 in Propeller 1
Hi Gang,
I downloaded the code for Jonny Mac's latest spin zone article and built the SIRCS sniffer on a Prop demo board using P0 for the Input.· I did use a Radio shack IR receiver Module (no longer available) that has an operating voltage range of 2.4 to 5.5V, An Infared passband of 940nm +/- 50 nm and a carrier frequency of 38KHz.· I have tested it with several different remotes and I get different bit counts with successive presses of the same key.· Also with each bit count usualy in the 16-18 range, it prints out only 0(32 of them) each time I press a key.· I have tried varying the Value of ONE_BIT +/- 150 or so and I still get all 0 values and mostly 18 bits as the bit count.· The detector is obviously responding to the remote or I would get nothing.· Unfortunately I am on vacation and away from my scope so cannot measure the pulses coming out of the IR detector.· Any ideas why I am getting all zeros and varying pulse counts?


  • Toby SeckshundToby Seckshund Posts: 2,027
    edited 2010-01-14 17:22
    I am fortunate to have a colection of old remotes from scrapped kit ( we never throw a remote away ). When I was messing about, a year ago, I had to choose which ones worked, at all, and then find one that had the right sort of button layout.

    I think that there are all sorts of different formats, dependant on age, on bit timings, bit train lenths and some sendthe whole thing twice, second time bit inverted as "CRC". I started playing with RC5 types and even then only about 25% seemed to work as expected.

    Style and grace : Nil point
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,236
    edited 2010-01-14 18:21
    @Jim: There's nothing magical about that code, and you shouldn't have to change bit timing as it's per the Sony spec. I've aimed bunches of remotes at the project with no problems whatsoever; that said, I'm using the PNA460x detector called out in the article. Your detector may be working, but not responding as quickly as needed. Only a 'scope will tell.
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