Adding Hydra extra expansion ports I added 4
Hi guys I built a little adapter board that runs out to my Hydra expansion board it has 4 Hydra compatible edge connectors ,, my question I just ran all the wires in parallel so all 4 port has the exact same connection as the Hydra port I have the connector stuck in that to go to my expansion board so I only have the 4 ports ,, it will work just fine but with only on card at a time I can not put more than one card in it at a time ,,, I have the 128K expansion card, the SD, card and the 512 Sram card as well as the blank experimenters card
I understand that the cards cannot use the same Prop Pins at the same time so does anyone have any suggestions, I would like to be able to run my 512K ram card and my SD card at the same time
I understand that the cards cannot use the same Prop Pins at the same time so does anyone have any suggestions, I would like to be able to run my 512K ram card and my SD card at the same time
The SD card doesn't use all the expansion pins, so it might be possible to use another expansion card that uses some pins that the SD card does not, but the 512K ram card uses pretty much everything available on the expansion connector.