Screwed up Posting Scrolling????
Hi Yall,
I noticed on several occasions that someone posts a posting on a thread that causes the whole
thread to FOIL the Browser....
Normally when you view a posting the threads FIT in the Browser WINDOW (Horizontally)and even
if you have a full screen or a resized window the posting will reformat so as to fit inside the browser
However, some postings seem to do something or another (?????) that CONFUSES the browser
and it can no longer reformat the posting so as to fit in the window HORIZONTALLY.
You then end up having to SCROLL and SCROLL....half way to Russia as someone I cannot recall
who said a while back......???????

WHAT IS IT.....what is it that these postings have that causes this VERY ANNOYING

thing to happen..........
I think we should identify it and ask people to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE .....stop it from happening.
It is REALLY annoying to have to SCROLL and Scroll and scroll to·reach the end of the text but even
WORSE is also all the CONTROLS for the Forum are also put WAAAAY out there too.
Please can we all try and figure this MYSTERY out and post some solution and a PREVENTION too.
Can someone from Parallax HELP with this....pleeeeeeaaaasssseee
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 1/12/2010 5:21:57 PM GMT
I noticed on several occasions that someone posts a posting on a thread that causes the whole
thread to FOIL the Browser....
Normally when you view a posting the threads FIT in the Browser WINDOW (Horizontally)and even
if you have a full screen or a resized window the posting will reformat so as to fit inside the browser
However, some postings seem to do something or another (?????) that CONFUSES the browser
and it can no longer reformat the posting so as to fit in the window HORIZONTALLY.
You then end up having to SCROLL and SCROLL....half way to Russia as someone I cannot recall
who said a while back......???????

WHAT IS IT.....what is it that these postings have that causes this VERY ANNOYING

thing to happen..........
I think we should identify it and ask people to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE .....stop it from happening.
It is REALLY annoying to have to SCROLL and Scroll and scroll to·reach the end of the text but even
WORSE is also all the CONTROLS for the Forum are also put WAAAAY out there too.
Please can we all try and figure this MYSTERY out and post some solution and a PREVENTION too.
Can someone from Parallax HELP with this....pleeeeeeaaaasssseee
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 1/12/2010 5:21:57 PM GMT
BTW, I'm not sure why you posted this in the Propeller forum. Perhaps the moderators could move it to "Support for Using this Forum."
Whenever I post anything anywhere using formatting that disallow scrolling(CODE or PRE tags, usually) I always view the thread myself afterwards, so that I can fix such mistakes.
Also, my comment was the first response in a thread in the Propeller forum, so it's not entirely off-topic...
Don't visit my new website...
The moderator said no solution was known or able to be implemented.
Perhaps a deletion of the offending post until it's fixed would get the point across quick enough.
That's a bit rough. What may not fit your screen comfortably might well fit mine.
If it's excessive, why not politely request to the author of the offending post (in private) that they edit the post to insert some wrapping ?
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.
Also SAM you should avoid SHOUTING so much[noparse]:)[/noparse]
For me, the past is not over yet.