Shooting game idea...
I just started shooting my hand guns again. The local range has a Thursday night fun steel shooting competition. I had this idea about changing it up a bit using a basic stamp micro controller for random target assignment. Obviously it could get really cool with some servos, etc. But I wanted to keep this simple and cheap as possible in case somebody shoots it.
I gave my boebot to my son so I need to start from scratch. Anybody care to walk me through the process of building something like this? This will be my first project...
Defensive Pistol: Randomly Assigned Target Match (RAT Match)
The Game
Six IDPA targets are set up down range in any configuration desired for the match. The control box is shielded if possible. LED flashers are located in proximity to each target and connected to the control box. A hand switch is placed on a table or barrel. The shooter approaches the table with six rounds loaded and pistol holstered. When given the ready signal by the range officer the shooter presses the hand switch with his strong hand and draws his weapon.
Pressing the hand switch signals the Basic Stamp microprocessor to randomly select a target and flash the LED output. The shooter shoots at the target with the flashing LED. A microphone at the hand switch detects the shot and turns off that output and then randomly selects another target. This sequence repeats until all six targets have been lit. Standard IDPA scoring applies.
The Game Controller
• Basic Stamp microcontroller
• Plastic case for housing the microcontroller (and hand switch during transport), Pelican box or similar.
• Palm button hand switch mounted to a small case.
• Phone or CAT cable for switch & LEDs, RJ connectors. Hand switch up to 50 ft. Targets up to 20 ft.
• Battery holder.
• OPTIONAL-Integrated timer built into hand switch case. Pressing the palm button starts the timer, the final shot stops the timer.
• OPTIONAL – multiple game selection from the palm button. For example, press the button 3 times quickly to enter selection mode. All LEDs blink slowly the game number. Pressing the palm button one time scrolls to the next game. Pressing the palm button three times selects the current game and exits programming mode. Example variations on the game include requiring “double tap” for each target, targets allowed to become a repeat threat, etc.
• Optional – speaker built into palm case. Pressing button causes a start tone to sound randomly 1-5 seconds after pressing the button.
Defensive Pistol: Randomly Assigned Target Match (RAT Match)
The Game
Six IDPA targets are set up down range in any configuration desired for the match. The control box is shielded if possible. LED flashers are located in proximity to each target and connected to the control box. A hand switch is placed on a table or barrel. The shooter approaches the table with six rounds loaded and pistol holstered. When given the ready signal by the range officer the shooter presses the hand switch with his strong hand and draws his weapon.
Pressing the hand switch signals the Basic Stamp microprocessor to randomly select a target and flash the LED output. The shooter shoots at the target with the flashing LED. A microphone at the hand switch detects the shot and turns off that output and then randomly selects another target. This sequence repeats until all six targets have been lit. Standard IDPA scoring applies.
The Game Controller
• Basic Stamp microcontroller
• Plastic case for housing the microcontroller (and hand switch during transport), Pelican box or similar.
• Palm button hand switch mounted to a small case.
• Phone or CAT cable for switch & LEDs, RJ connectors. Hand switch up to 50 ft. Targets up to 20 ft.
• Battery holder.
• OPTIONAL-Integrated timer built into hand switch case. Pressing the palm button starts the timer, the final shot stops the timer.
• OPTIONAL – multiple game selection from the palm button. For example, press the button 3 times quickly to enter selection mode. All LEDs blink slowly the game number. Pressing the palm button one time scrolls to the next game. Pressing the palm button three times selects the current game and exits programming mode. Example variations on the game include requiring “double tap” for each target, targets allowed to become a repeat threat, etc.
• Optional – speaker built into palm case. Pressing button causes a start tone to sound randomly 1-5 seconds after pressing the button.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
kwinn: I like that idea even better.· I was worried about the distances.