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Advice needed

BrankoGBrankoG Posts: 2
edited 2010-01-16 23:33 in Learn with BlocklyProp

I'm a novice here and I had some experience with microcontrollers, but not much do.

I have created a Linux acquisition m2m system, and it's working really fine, but...
Now I want to implement this idea into a smaller environment with lesser demands and no need for Linux system. While searching for the appropriate microcontrollers I ran into parallax.
OK,now the facts.

I need to measure 2 temperatures, humidity, 2 fan's speed, hours that the unit has been working and intrusion detect. The 2x16 Parallel LCD would be nice to.
So I have a data server on the other side that collects raw data and put's it into a database on every report.

Now, as you already conclude, I need this unit to collect data. It needs to show temperature, humidity and fan speeds on the LCD and to send a summary at 8:00am and 20:00pm via Telit GM862-QUAD PY to my server. It also need to send the signal if the intrusion switch has been trigered.
The HM862 has embedded TCP/IP stack, FTP and SMTP server + Serial port multiplexer so sending the data via m2m protocol is his part.
So basicly it need to send this data via serial port.

Can it be done with parallax and witch one, Basic stamp, SX or Propeller?
It was an exam project, and now I would like to extend it to my seminar project on m2m communication and telemetric on older MIL machines.

Thank you in advance.


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-01-11 15:42
    It can be done with Parallax microcontrollers. It could be done with a Stamp, but you'd need a real-time clock ... not a big deal. I'd suggest using a BS2pe which also has extra EEPROM for datalogging between summary dumps. You would need an external ADC if any of the sensors have analog outputs.

    You could use an SX. You could dispense with the RTC if you run the SX off a crystal. You'd need some external memory for datalogging. You should be able to do sigma-delta ADC just using some passive components

    You could use a Propeller. Since it normally runs off a crystal, it could keep track of time by itself. It normally uses an EEPROM and you could simply substitute a larger one to use for storing data. A Prop can also do sigma-delta ADC.
  • BrankoGBrankoG Posts: 2
    edited 2010-01-12 07:38
    Thank you Mike.

    Propeller was my first choice because of the self manageable RTC, EPROM and ADC to avoid space cost of a DS1620 for temperature readings. I can also use it to measure fan speed and run the LCD.
    Well, it's a Propeller then so everything is in coding now.
    As always, for me the electronics part is the easiest one, the programing is a little hustle for me, but with great support on this forum and lot's of examples already posted hop it won't be too much of a trouble.

    So, manuals and tut's here I come... [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Thank you again Mike, and if any body has some more advice feel free to participate.


    And yes, I almost forgot.
    Can I connect a rechargeable battery for RTC backup only? The flat 3V one, or maybe a controller with Cymbet EnerChip Real Time Clocks (RTC) Power Backup
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-01-12 15:00
    There's no provision for any kind of separate power for a RTC with the Propeller. You can easily attach a RTC like the DS1307 which is designed for a backup battery like a small primary lithium "coin" cell that, at a 500nA load, should be good for 5-10 years.
  • sam_sam_samsam_sam_sam Posts: 2,286
    edited 2010-01-16 23:33
    Can I connect a rechargeable battery for RTC backup only?

    Yes you can but this dose not work well for me

    But what works very well is a 1 Fard super cap it will hold your time or data for weeks

    What Mike said also works but beware that if you lose power alot this battery may not as long

    The reason I say this·I have a Data Logger that has a DS1302 time chip that I only use the Data Logger two or three time a year and each time I go
    to use the data looger i have to replace the battery I going to just put a Super Cap in it

    ··Thanks for any·idea.gif·that you may have and all of your time finding them smile.gif


    Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 1/16/2010 11:42:35 PM GMT
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