proper syntax to send HEX codes with FullDuplexSerialPlus.spin
What is the proper syntax to send a hex code with FullDuplexSerialPlus.spin?
If i want to send the code 0C for example, what is the syntax for it?
example.hex (whattoputinhere)
If i want to send the code 0C for example, what is the syntax for it?
example.hex (whattoputinhere)
Possibly you misunderstand the use of hex in the FDX object. A good place is to look inside the object to find the structure of the call.· Hex will·convert a byte/word/long into a number of hex byte characters (0..9, A..F) and send them serially. The number of characters sent is defined by the second parameter.
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But i did actually just forget to change the mode to bit 2 and then got confused becouse of my code didnt work!