Servo sounds
Posts: 22
I am using some new servos, but when I run them, they sound staticy. Is this supposed to happen? I know that electrical pulses control them - is it probably why?
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
They are the standard Parallax Boe-Bot servos. I hope this is normal.
Sorry if I sound frantic..I'm just curious :P
It might be due to the program you are using and the refresh rate being too slow.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
The 750 makes no noise and no movement (my centering skills :P)
I tried changing to a lower voltage; from the 7.5V wall wart to 6V from battery power, and I *think* it decreased in noise slightly. So, my suspicion that it might be the electrical pulse may be correct. Maybe rewire the servo to the breadboard instead so that I have a resistor?
What is the refresh rate?
I actually do have the PAUSE 20s in all of my programs (even though my teachers and classmates argue that 20ms is unnoticeable).
To be picky, a PAUSE 20 will not allow a 50 hz refresh rate because the PULSOUT and LOOP part of the code also take a bit of time, but it is close enough if there are just a couple lines of code. As you add more code to your loop you need to reduce the PAUSE time or else the servo will start stuttering.
The noises that servos make can be anywhere from nearly silent to down right noisy. The Parallax servos fall somewhere in between. They do make some noise while operating.
What's the reasoning for rewiring so that you have a resistor?
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
I think your explanation make more sense, though. I forgot that it does take time for the computer (albeit that it is usually < 1s) to execute the program. I guess it does not matter that they make noise, since it would take time to find the exact (or close) PAUSE time. I did not know if the servo was going bad, lol.
Thanks, Rich! You have been a great help! [noparse]:)[/noparse]