FTDI IC using RTS and CTS question
I made a circuit board and it wont program from the computer.
This idea I had to use the FTDI buffer so I hooked up the RTS and CTS pins on the FTDI ic to the propeller. Perhaps I should have used a pull up resistor anyhow could this be due to the propeller setting all output i/o low?
Before I go and cut traces I wanted some input?
This idea I had to use the FTDI buffer so I hooked up the RTS and CTS pins on the FTDI ic to the propeller. Perhaps I should have used a pull up resistor anyhow could this be due to the propeller setting all output i/o low?
Before I go and cut traces I wanted some input?
2) You can't use RTS and CTS with the downloading process. The downloading process is very time dependent. Any delays, like from handshaking, will cause an error. The only connections needed are for TX, RX, and DTR. DTR is used to generate a Propeller reset.
3) As a general rule ... If someone shows you how to hook up something to accomplish a particular purpose and you want to accomplish the same purpose, start with the circuit that they show. Once you understand what it's doing, then you can start modifying the circuit. If it doesn't work, then your changes are likely to be the cause. This isn't always true, but it's a good working assumption.