Need code double checked, plz
Could someone please take the time to look at the following code. I think it is almost right however it isn't working as I expect it to.
I am expecting it to send the following to pin 21, however it is sending something totally different.
Any Ideas?
Thank you
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Post Edited (computer guy) : 1/7/2010 10:35:06 AM GMT
CON StartDelimiter = $02 ' STX EndDelimiter = $03 ' ETX REQ_PACKET = $52 ' R GAP_WRITE_LOCAL_NAME = $04 VAR Byte dataSet[noparse][[/noparse] 340], rxBuffer[noparse][[/noparse] 16] Long Started OBJ serial : "Full_Duplex_Serial" Pub Start (RXpin, TXPin, Mode, Baud) : okay | ptr Started := serial.start(RXpin, TXpin, Mode, Baud) if Started == -1 return Started else Started := true return Started PUB Stop serial.stop Started := false PUB calculate_crc(data, size) | crc crc := 0 crc := data[noparse][[/noparse] 1] + data[noparse][[/noparse] 2] + data[noparse][[/noparse] 3] + data[noparse][[/noparse] 4] crc := crc & $ff return(crc) PUB receive_response | read_data, num_bytes, i num_bytes := 0 i := 0 repeat num_bytes++ read_data[noparse][[/noparse] i] := serial.rx i++ while (serial.rxcheck > 0) return read_data PUB Set_Local_Name (name) | len, ptr, temp len := strsize(name) byte[noparse][[/noparse] temp++] := strsize(name) Repeat ptr from 0 to strsize(name) byte[noparse][[/noparse] temp++] := byte[noparse][[/noparse] name++] 'byte[noparse][[/noparse] temp++] := $00 sendREQ (GAP_WRITE_LOCAL_NAME, temp, len) PUB send_cmd_receive_response(data, size) | crc, i crc := calculate_crc(data, size) data[noparse][[/noparse] 5] := crc repeat i from 0 to size serial.tx(data[noparse][[/noparse] i]) waitcnt(clkfreq * 3 / 10 + cnt) return receive_response PUB sendREQ (opCode, msg, length) | ptr, dataLen if Started dataSet := $00 dataLen := length + 1 ptr := 0 dataSet[noparse][[/noparse] ptr++] := StartDelimiter dataSet[noparse][[/noparse] ptr++] := REQ_PACKET dataSet[noparse][[/noparse] ptr++] := opCode dataSet[noparse][[/noparse] ptr++] := dataLen dataSet[noparse][[/noparse] ptr++] := $00 Repeat strsize(msg) ' Repeat for the length of the message dataSet[noparse][[/noparse] ptr++] := byte[noparse][[/noparse] msg++] dataSet[noparse][[/noparse] ptr++] := EndDelimiter send_cmd_receive_response(dataSet, ptr + 1)
OBJ BT : "BT" PUB Main BT.Start(20,21,0, 9600) BT.Set_Local_Name(string("EcoSure UI"))
I am expecting it to send the following to pin 21, however it is sending something totally different.
$02, $52, $04, $0C, $00, $61, $0B, $45, $63, $6F, $53, $75, $72, $65, $20, $55, $49, $00, $03
Any Ideas?
Thank you

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Post Edited (computer guy) : 1/7/2010 10:35:06 AM GMT

Just from a quick glance, where do you think byte[noparse][[/noparse]temp++] is going (temp being local and uninitialised)?
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 1/7/2010 11:01:34 AM GMT
name = "TEST"
so strsize(name) = 4
so temp = $04, $54, $45, $53, $54
I modified some code from a similar object.
Guess I don't understand what it's doing.
Thank you
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When you do a "byte[noparse][[/noparse] value]:=something" spin writes "something" to the byte of memory that "value" points to. In your example "temp" is never set to any particular value so it could be anything and trample over something important. What you need is something more like this.
There are a couple of other problems but since this is for your HSC you can have a go at finding them yourself first... What's here should be enough to get you started.
I didn't expect to have to write one from scratch.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have already spent a week on it and it is consuming a lot of time.
Thank you
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Just a few more bugs/stupid errors to fix and I think all will be fine.
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Edit: I'm stumped as to what is wrong.
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Post Edited (computer guy) : 1/7/2010 3:22:27 PM GMT
if you want to analyse what is going on simply add a debugoutput for EVERY single step and every single variable that you are using.
This might look like great effort, but it brings you forward step by step. If you do quickshots by changing the code here changing it there
with GUESSING "maybe it works this way" but not REALLY KNOWING if it works this way. This might give a feeling of moving forward. But that's not true
Your just moving around in circles.
what do you think will be faster?
best regards
Thank you. I was outputing variables to a debug line for debugging.
It helps greatly.
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Will post the code later, as I would like someone to take a look at it and see if it can be shortened or neatened up a bit.
Thank you
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Please note that I have renamed "Full_Duplex_Serial" to "Full_Serial".
Can someone please take a look and see if it can be made smaller or neater (less code, same function)
Thank you
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I've put comments in there in some places that need fixing or can be speed up. It's not tested so I suggest you make the changes one at a time incase I made a typo...
Thank you for your comments, however the "movebyte" command is causing the entire packet to be screwed up and the activity light on the Easy Bluetooth module is going crazy.
Any Suggestions?
Thank you
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You should also ignore the last two lines of comments I put in the file. I missed the extra byte you added to the front of the message...
It's working well and implements most of your suggestions.
Had to make a few changes to get your changes working properly, nothing major though.
I have attached a copy of what I have.
Thank you
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I like your name...
I looked at your code and I THINK you can reduce some of it and there was one place where
there was some error....I commented all my changes and wrote my reasons.
I hope this helps
....oops you must have been posting while I was posting....well...look at my suggestions
and see if you find any further ideas.....
This method in your UPDATED code will cause TROUBLE....
Also see my code for FURTHER suggestions that I THINK you will benefit from....
The red stuff WILL cause memory overwrite and returning the value of the first element of the
non-existing array which is actually an overwrite of memory that may have been code and would be causing
TONS of trouble..see my code for a suggested repaired code.
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 1/8/2010 11:14:41 AM GMT
I am fairly happy with the code now. A few commments and it will look professional. :-D
Now to work on the rest of the commands and then the code to interpret the response.
Wish me luck.
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When I am expecting something like
The code I am using is
Any ideas?
Thank you
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With the above code it is possible for the RxCheck method to return -1 while the sender is still
sending data due to parallel processing. That is you call the RXCheck method while there is no data
in the buffer but the cog is in the process of receiving.
If you know how many bytes you want to receive and want to wait for them then this is a better code...but
this code will wait FOREVER for the required EXACT number of bytes to be received.
If you do not know the number of bytes or they are not a fixed number then it is better to use a TIMEOUT.
I tried the version with timeout and max_bytes and as long as the max_bytes is equal to, or less greater than what is specified, it works.
However if the number of bytes is less than max_bytes, it sits waiting for the next byte, that never comes. I don't think the timeout code is working.
Any suggestions.
Thank you
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best regards
Yes I made a mistake using the Rx method I should have used the RxTime() method.
The RxTime() method is the one with the time out feature. here is a correction.....sorry
Note: I have changed the definition of should now define it in the constants section
as a MillisSeconds value not as a Ticks ie ClckFreq/xxxxx·.......... make sure it is a if you want to wait a maximum
of 10 milliseconds then the definition in the constants section would be Time_Out_Period = 10
The above code will keep trying to receive Max_Bytes_To_Receive bytes waiting every time Time_Out_Period milliseconds
to receive each byte. BUT....the first time it fails to receive a byte it will Stop trying to receive.
So the Method Receive_Response will try to receive Max_Bytes_To_Receive but will finish when that number of bytes is received or the first
time a byte is not received and there is a time out. The method will return the number of bytes ACTUALLY received.
This method is now a lot better than what I had before.....note that you may need to check the return result to see how many bytes
were really received...which currently in your code I am not sure you are doing.
Note: I have not tried the method in a real program since I am not near my propeller right now....let me know if it works.
P.S.....look at the code again I missed the line in bold...please add it
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 1/12/2010 1:56:59 AM GMT
I have just tried the method (see above...also note I added the line in bold at the bottom of it)
It works as is a full stand alone program that uses the method to test it.
The code now works great.
I had to modify it a bit as the reset function needs more time, as the module restarts.
I now have
I figured this would be handy to have incase other commands need more than the standard timeout time too.
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Perfect, I am glad that you have done shows that you have REALLY understood its actions·since now you are able to modify it.
Good....I am can now do even more changes when needed.
I always say....give a man a fish and he will eat for a day ( least lunch
I now need it to receive a packet without sending one first. i.e. An "Incomming connection" packet that indicates that another bluetooth device is wanting to connect.
I am assuming I will need to dedicate a cog to a repeat loop that looks for data and processes it. But how do I read the packet and decide how to react?
Thank you
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