Passing variables between cogs - Need Help Please
Resident Spin Experts....
I am trying to pass one variable generated in one cog to another and am having trouble compiling and running my code. In short, I have one object that reads in and displays GPS data, while the other reads several "one wire" temperature sensors. I want to pass the temperature variable from the one-wire section of code/cog to the GPS read and display cog. If I run both on the same cog, I get too much of a delay in the output speed (I need 10Hz speed readings from my 10Hz GPS).
I have looked over the forum, the user guide, and the Propeller Spin Code examples book, but I find nothing wrong. If anyone could please look over my code and comment, I would appreciate it. I am sure it is something easy I have missed, but I have spent way too much time on this already and am completely frustrated.
Thanks for your help in advance!!!
I am trying to pass one variable generated in one cog to another and am having trouble compiling and running my code. In short, I have one object that reads in and displays GPS data, while the other reads several "one wire" temperature sensors. I want to pass the temperature variable from the one-wire section of code/cog to the GPS read and display cog. If I run both on the same cog, I get too much of a delay in the output speed (I need 10Hz speed readings from my 10Hz GPS).
I have looked over the forum, the user guide, and the Propeller Spin Code examples book, but I find nothing wrong. If anyone could please look over my code and comment, I would appreciate it. I am sure it is something easy I have missed, but I have spent way too much time on this already and am completely frustrated.
Thanks for your help in advance!!!
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 MAX_DEVICES = 4 OBJ debug : "pc_text" ow : "SpinOneWire" f : "FloatMath" fp : "FloatString" gps : "GPS_IO_mini2" VAR long addrs[noparse][[/noparse]2 * MAX_DEVICES] Long Stack0[noparse][[/noparse]20] Long Stack1[noparse][[/noparse]20] PUB start 'cognew(readtemperature(@addr), @wire) CogNew (GPSread, @Stack0) CogNew (OnewireData, @Stack1) PUB GPSread | i, numDevices, addr, main, gmt gps.start debug.start(12) repeat debug.str((string("Latitude"))) debug.str(gps.latitude) debug.str((string(",Longitude"))) debug.str(gps.longitude) debug.str((string(",GPS_Altitude"))) debug.str(gps.GPSaltitude) debug.str((string(",GPS_Speed"))) debug.str(gps.speed) debug.str((string(",Time GMT"))) debug.str(gps.time) debug.str((string(",Date"))) debug.str( debug.str((string(",Temp "))) fp.SetPrecision(4) 'debug.str(fp.FloatToString(readtemperature.degF)) debug.str(degF) PUB OnewireData | i, numDevices, addr ow.start(24) repeat numDevices :=, MAX_DEVICES, @addrs) 'debug.str(string($01, "── SpinOneWire Test ──", 13, 13, "Devices:")) repeat i from 0 to MAX_DEVICES-1 'debug.out(13) if i => numDevices ' No device: Blank line repeat 39 'debug.out(" ") else addr := @addrs + (i << 3) ' Display the 64-bit address 'debug.hex(LONG[noparse][[/noparse]addr + 4], 8) 'debug.hex(LONG[noparse][[/noparse]addr], 8) 'debug.str(string(" ")) if BYTE[noparse][[/noparse]addr] == ow#FAMILY_DS18B20 ' It's a DS18B20 temperature sensor. Read it. readTemperature(addr) 'else ' Nothing else to show... 'debug.str(string(9,9)) PUB readTemperature(addr) | temp, degC, degF '' Read the temperature from a DS18B20 sensor, and display it. '' Blocks while the conversion is taking place. ow.reset ow.writeByte(ow#MATCH_ROM) ow.writeAddress(addr) ow.writeByte(ow#CONVERT_T) ' Wait for the conversion repeat waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt) if ow.readBits(1) ' Have a reading! Read it from the scratchpad. ow.reset ow.writeByte(ow#MATCH_ROM) ow.writeAddress(addr) ow.writeByte(ow#READ_SCRATCHPAD) temp := ow.readBits(16) ' Convert from fixed point to floating point degC := f.FDiv(f.FFloat(temp), 16.0) ' Convert celsius to fahrenheit degF := f.FAdd(f.FMul(degC, 1.8), 32.0) 'fp.SetPrecision(4) 'debug.str(fp.FloatToString(degF)) 'debug.str(string("°F ")) return
When I compile, I get "Expected an expresssion term" highlighting the degF variable in the GPSRead section of code. That variable is generated in the readtemperature section of code at the bottom of the page.
By the way, why does your "start" method just call COGNEW a couple of times, then quit? That's your main program. It can call other methods and normally organizes the whole shebang.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 1/5/2010 7:29:59 PM GMT