Dynamic Rams : Do all the refresh possibilities have to counted through ?
I am pondering on trying some dynamics, instead of the usuall statics.
It has been years since I touched any of them, and back then there were only 7 or 8 address pins to worry about, so refresh (on a Z80) was not a problem. The modern sort have vastly greater capacity and so more refresh cycles to get through.
Does anybody know if it is permissable to only partially refresh ? If I were only to want say 64KB and only cycled through 8 bits for the refreshing (and left the other, unused areas, to fade away) would it upset the wanted areas ??
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It has been years since I touched any of them, and back then there were only 7 or 8 address pins to worry about, so refresh (on a Z80) was not a problem. The modern sort have vastly greater capacity and so more refresh cycles to get through.
Does anybody know if it is permissable to only partially refresh ? If I were only to want say 64KB and only cycled through 8 bits for the refreshing (and left the other, unused areas, to fade away) would it upset the wanted areas ??
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I wanted to try using a DRAM of the DracBlade and spoof two of the latches with the /ras and /cas signals. I have some hm514400 chips but they are 1Mx4bits so two would be needed (or some shifting).
At least they seem to have the "old" ways about them. I saw that Jesper used simular ones on an AVR (sorry for swearing)
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I've done some tests with an old·1MB 30pin SIMM, FastPage type, 70ns access time.
I've got 26 of those for some $8 from e-bay, so while waiting for RamBlade to arrive it seemed a good idea to me
Fewer pin count·it's possible: 10 address lines to access 1MB (it's kinda like having the '373·latch embedded).
It's not possible to go further reduce pins by sharing address and data lines without modification to the memory module, as all SIMM30 unfortunately have /OE permanently tied low.
As expected, access is trickier and slower than SRAM,·but still not so bad:
SPIN loop calling PASM ReadByte/WriteByte: approx.·37 KByte/sec (most overhead in SPIN->PASM call)
SPIN loop calling PASM ReadPage/WritePage: approx. 1.2 MByte/sec (pages of 256 bytes read in fast page mode)
Interrupting everything to make a bunch of refreshes every few msecs seems the preferred way on the net with PICs and AVRs, but I don't think it's pratical to do without a real interrupt or·task scheduler. Instead I used a single·CBR refresh cycle in the PASM loop that awaits for command from the SPIN program, which leads to latency and higher access time for single byte ops, but it's acceptable·if accessing DRAM in·256-byte pages.
There has been some discussion about caching XMM in HUB RAM: I think that if ever implemented, while not reaching the speed of·dedicated SRAM solutions with 1:1 pins,·that method would·render DRAM (and other burst-based RAM types) useful to some extent.
With Clusso's ccts like the ProtoBlade, it's probably a waste of effort chip count wise, but I would learn something, perhaps ...
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If you feel daring, you could try some piggy-back of the two chips, all signals can go tied together except the 4+4 data lines.
Also if you manage to free the /OE pin, data and address sharing could be attempted, but I would leave that for later eventually.
Two things:
- Always check with the chip datasheet, not only for the main timings, but also for some less obvious details: out of the many modules I had available, I found that some had 5ns min settling time for things like "address to strobe" and "CAS to WE", the one I'm using has 0ns minimum, and this allows for simultaneous output of a combined CAS+WE pin mask.
- It's very likely that·your chips·have 5V supply. I didn't even try with 3.3V (fearing that it *might* work but adverese effect on timings), instead I used serial resistors on data lines (I took advantage of the ones already soldered on the protoboard and added the others, 240R is small but the datasheet for my chips reports Voh as low as·3.6V even with 5V supply).
If you think it might be useful to you, I can post the code I used for testing (a quick hack of the HX512 PASM driver and test program, used as skeleton in the end).
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Here it goes...
Consider that it's in a very bad shape, there are pieces of butchered and/or unused code all around... I quickly edited the heading credits·to avoid any harm to the innocent (the original author Andre LaMothe).
The relevant stuff however should be readable: initialization, main command loop with refresh, ReadByte, WriteByte, ReadPage and WritePage in DRAM_PASM_DRV_010.spin.
In case you should wonder, CASP signal is same as CAS but for the parity bit, I was considering the·use of the parity bit from the 1Mx1 DRAM chip on the SIMM·as RAM disk.
Pin usage:
P0..P9 -> A0..A9
(P10..P11 -> A10..A11 for extended address range, or free pins)
P12 -> nRAS
P13 -> nCAS
P14 -> nWE
(P15 -> nCASP not used if no parity)
P16..P23 <-> D0..D7
(P24 <-> PD & PQ of SIMM joined with resistor, not used if no parity)
...or 21 pins total for 1Mx8
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btw, partial array refresh shouldn't pose a problem, but irrelevant using hidden or CAS-before-RAS refresh, just one of them. I do not believe they can be mixed.
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Thanks, it is all these different types of refreshes that I now want to sort out in my mind. The last time I used a dynamic it was a 16Kx1 non MUX ADDR on a Z80. So it has nothing to do with the modern types, but it was the MUX bit that I remembered and thought could be used as the latches on Dr_A's board
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