Quick question about Arrays and Cog Stopping and starting.
I haven't tried this yet, since I really don't have the time right at this moment.......
If a cog is started, and an array is loaded with the newly started cog, will the array still contain the information if the cog is stopped?
I figure so, since this memory is shared between the cogs. This would have to be a passed parameter.....correct?
I'm checking for my own sanity.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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If a cog is started, and an array is loaded with the newly started cog, will the array still contain the information if the cog is stopped?
I figure so, since this memory is shared between the cogs. This would have to be a passed parameter.....correct?
I'm checking for my own sanity.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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Yes that is what I meant. Thanks for the translation (I rarely ask it correctly).
I appreciate the answer. That is what I had in my head, but wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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The method I was going to use......
Declare the Array in the parent cog. When needing to fill the array, start a new cog to drop in all the information, then stop it when finished. I would be passing the array's address to the newly started cog.
That would work.....right??
I didn't answer you directly, because I haven't got hub ram or cog ram totally figured out in my head yet (hammer and chisel may be needed). Those still confuse me.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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Post Edited (James Long) : 1/4/2010 8:08:19 PM GMT
For assembly programs, you're really referring to the cog's memory which is only accessible to the cog running the program. The hub memory is kind-of like an I/O device. You can only use special instructions to reference it and there's special timing involved for those instructions.
Hmmmmm.......now that didn't help.
Ok....to try and figure this out.......
So when using spin, basically there is only hub memory (for all practical purpose in this discussion).
When using pasm, the actions are done with cog memory.
My speculation..........if using pasm, and wanting to put the information into hub memory, a wrlong (word, byte) is used.
I think I see....but will wait for your response to chisel that into my memory.
to expand on this.......I didn't think the item would be accessible from outside the newly started cog, unless the wrlong (word, byte) command was used.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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Post Edited (James Long) : 1/4/2010 8:33:01 PM GMT
Ok, so now I know..... Spin = hub ram (for the most part except the special registers)
Pasm = cog ram unless written back to the hub with wr**** (Long, Word, Byte).
That really helps clarify some of the misunderstandings I have had in the past about addresses, parameter passing and such.
It's amazing I can play with the propeller for so long, and still didn't grasp some of this.........
I see, that depending on what the newly started cog is using (Spin/Pasm), determines how the information would need to be handled. If using spin, the item would already be in hub ram. If using Pasm, it would have to be written to the hub ram.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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Post Edited (James Long) : 1/4/2010 9:31:24 PM GMT
When running cogs with PASM code then for all intents and purposes the 8 cogs are 8 SEPARATE and INDEPENDENT microprocessors that are able to SHARE a central EXTERNAL (from the point of view of the cog) RAM. Each cog of course, just like a true mini-microcontroller, has its own personal seperate and independent RAM too.
Also as far as each cog is concerned the I/O pins are separate too (each cog has it sown DirA and OutA and InA registers). However, the I/O pins are tied to each cog using OR gates from each cog’s registers….so they appear as shared….but by Oring them. Also each cog has its own independent and separate counters….but are synchronized since they share the same clock.
So in PASM you can think of the HUB RAM as an External RAM where all the cogs share the same Data and Address Bus and where the read/write operations are automatically resolved for contention…..but….it is still and EXTERNAL memory that the cog (mini-microprocessor) can write to and read from using the RdLong and WrLong op-codes (or word or byte).
On the other hand when running SPIN you can think of the 8 cogs not as separate processors but rather as 8 THREADS (like on a computer) where the threads can do things in parallel and independently…..but…..they all are sharing the same memory and that is the ONLY memory they have. (Counters are still separate and I/O registers too are still separate ie. DirA OutA and InA….but again tied by Oring)
When writing SPIN code you do not need special instructions to access the HUB RAM, that is the ONLY RAM you have any way. HOWEVER, you do need the ADDRESS of the RAM area you need to access.
If the RAM area is OWNED by the cog due to being started from an object that has its own VAR and DAT variables then you do not even need the addresses you just access the memory using the NAMES of the variables.
But….if you are going to SHARE memory areas between cogs then ONE cog owns the memory and has NAME access to it….but the other Cogs need to be given the ADDRESS to that memory in order to be able to access that agreed upon SAME MEMORY.
Another mechanism for sharing memory between cogs running SPIN is to use GET and SET METHODS within the object and then the OBJECT’s GET/SET methods are called from other COGS (objects) to access the private VARs of the object.
Any variables declared in the VAR section of an object are private to the object and if you have multiple instances of the object you get multiple copies of these variables and are not the same variables and they occupy different areas in the Hub Ram....
However, variables declared in the DAT section are not duplicated and therefore are sharable and is another way to share the same memory area (TRICK). Although, this only works for multiple instances of the same object, not between different objects.
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 1/4/2010 9:44:12 PM GMT
Your diagram is okay except for one thing: each cog has independent access to the I/O pins. That access does not go through the hub.
I understand the flow, what I didn't understand was the cog ram/hub ram relationship. That being that for the most part in Spin there is no cog ram control (except for the special registers).
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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because it seems you now have it EXACTLY RIGHT.....
No problem.....I'll take any help I can get. There are a few things which always give me a problem when doing programming on the propeller. Passing addresses is one of them. I just don't program enough to get real good at it. I wish I had more time to program, but other things get in the way.
I'm getting ready to finish the programming on a big project, maybe that will help me "burn" some of this to memory.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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