USB to Serial for BS2 Homework Board
I am new to this forum and would like to thank in advance anyone who can help.
I have a good basic electronics background and am a amateur radio operator.·
Being a complete newbee to the controller world, I purchased What is A Microcontroller from the shack and hurried home to check out this new world.
I was greatly excited to get my new microcontroller plugged up to my laptop when I realized that I have no serial port, only USB.
Dashed, before any blinking lights or anything.
Being pretty handy with a soldering iron and whatnot is there any hack for this cable that is cheap and easy?
I have just started looking so any links or other info would be greatly appreciated.
I would hate to kill my new stamp before I got anything out of it.
PS I could not find a spell check on the posting page so I apologize for any errors.
I have a good basic electronics background and am a amateur radio operator.·
Being a complete newbee to the controller world, I purchased What is A Microcontroller from the shack and hurried home to check out this new world.
I was greatly excited to get my new microcontroller plugged up to my laptop when I realized that I have no serial port, only USB.
Dashed, before any blinking lights or anything.

Being pretty handy with a soldering iron and whatnot is there any hack for this cable that is cheap and easy?
I have just started looking so any links or other info would be greatly appreciated.
I would hate to kill my new stamp before I got anything out of it.
PS I could not find a spell check on the posting page so I apologize for any errors.
you can buy serial- usb convertor from shack or any elctronic store
I like the one in your post but they didn't have one like it in the store.
I will keep looking for a wiring diagram or something, I know there is a cheap hack somewhere as I have the connectors just not together LOL.
Thanks for your interest Noor!
These are just an FTDI USB to serial chip plus a MAX232 logic level to RS232 converter. Check FTDI's website and documentation for sample circuits.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 1/3/2010 6:33:02 PM GMT
Thank you Mr. green!
I just joined this forum. I have the Basic Stamp Starter Kit Vers. 1.0 which still works with my 10 year old Thinkpad 240X. Just before Xmas I bought the HomeWork kit from R/S. Since I wanted to use it (if possible) with my MSI U100 netbook I also needed the USB to Serial Interface which came yesterday.
I downloaded and installed the driver and the the Basic Stamp Editor. It worked off the· bat. I wasn't sure the netbook could handle this. It can. What a deal: the netbook cost·$290, my first computer OSI C1P with 4 KB memory cost over $300·more than·30 years ago.
Now that·I'm up and running I'm looking forward to doing some of the HomeWork projects with my grandsons Kurt and Alex.
Klaus Ernst NYC