Anyone working on A Maxim MAX7456 OSD Object?
Hi All,
Is anyone working on A Maxim MAX7456 OSD Object yet? If not will take this on to get some basic functions going.
Still Deep in the Datasheet at present. The internet has some nice code, everything from "C" to Basic Compilers. That
should provide me a reasonable head start.
Regards Mike.
Is anyone working on A Maxim MAX7456 OSD Object yet? If not will take this on to get some basic functions going.
Still Deep in the Datasheet at present. The internet has some nice code, everything from "C" to Basic Compilers. That
should provide me a reasonable head start.
Regards Mike.
I worked with the MAX7456 when it first came out.
I don't want to discorage you, but the chip has several bad "features":
A) Needs about 100mA @ 5.0V - That's alot of power
I eventually made my own OSD using just the Propeller chip and Sync seperator chip. If you check out the Propeller backpack it does OSD too.
There was rumors that they were working on a color overlay version, but it never happened.
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Use BASIC on the Propeller with the speed of assembly language.
PropBASIC thread·
Thank you for the information. I was aware of the power & heat issue previously, the price however is A bit of A shock. Does sort of price itself out of the intended application. Just have some sample devices to play with. My application is not intended to ever become commercial is more of an Amateur TV repeater logic thing. Your own OSD device is great and worked well. Just in this case I do have to have a correctly timed PAL (and or NTSC) signal to get past my sync detector. The propeller Backpack would have fitted all requirements, but again we seem to live in an NTSC centric world around here. I'd better stop talking about "PAL" now as the Parallax Police might arrest me soon!
With all of the above noted, will push on and start climbing the SPI learning curve, or mountain.
Mike G7GTN.
I had gone as far as making my own break-out boards.
I can send you one if it will help you. Fully populated.
It fits into a 24 pin IC socket, or you can just plug it into a breadboard. It has the 27MHz xtal and all the other parts that are needed on the breadboard. RCA jacks for video in and video out.
If you want one, just send me a PM with your shipping address.
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Use BASIC on the Propeller with the speed of assembly language.
PropBASIC thread·