Did anybody write code to use Aribas PropTerminal to simulate character-LCDs ty

just came across an idea. For helping other people with their code I like it if I can compile and run it on my hardware.
But I don't have serial LCDs handy.
So I have to adapt the serial output to use a modified FDX+-driver that "knows" the LCD-commands
Has somebody already written code that Aribas PropTerminal can be used to simulate
serial LCDs?. I mean just change the name of the LCD-object to PropTerm_LCD_Sim, start PropTerminal on the PC and in the PropTerminal-window
you see a framed area with the characters?
@Ariba: of course this can be done in the TV or VGA.mode of PropTerminal but would include coding to do all
the commands like backlight on, clear, home etc.
How much work would it be to include an Option in PropTerminal to support serial 1x8 up to 4x20 LCDs?
best regards
Post Edited (StefanL38) : 1/3/2010 11:13:22 AM GMT
just came across an idea. For helping other people with their code I like it if I can compile and run it on my hardware.
But I don't have serial LCDs handy.
So I have to adapt the serial output to use a modified FDX+-driver that "knows" the LCD-commands
Has somebody already written code that Aribas PropTerminal can be used to simulate
serial LCDs?. I mean just change the name of the LCD-object to PropTerm_LCD_Sim, start PropTerminal on the PC and in the PropTerminal-window
you see a framed area with the characters?
@Ariba: of course this can be done in the TV or VGA.mode of PropTerminal but would include coding to do all
the commands like backlight on, clear, home etc.
How much work would it be to include an Option in PropTerminal to support serial 1x8 up to 4x20 LCDs?
best regards
Post Edited (StefanL38) : 1/3/2010 11:13:22 AM GMT
Attached is a little Testcode as starting point.
wow cool emulation! Not simple characters but a real dotmatrix.
Thank you very much
best regards