IWD stands for Internet Weather Display. The design was shown in July 2009 Circuit Cellar magazine. I constructed the project. I have since made some changes and upgrades. Maybe others have done the same?
I'm using a GM862 (from SparkFun)... right now, I put the data into a text message and send it to myself... but it would be useful to send it through the internet. Protocols... Lordy I hate protocols.
I would very much like to see details of your project.
Rich, take a look at the Sparkfun DEV-09472, it is a 24.95 ethernet/UART module. A pair of these will allow you to communicate over the Internet via a serial object on the Propeller. I think you can set it up to use either TCP or UDP. There are WiFi versions too.
- Stephen
I would very much like to see details of your project.