Finding Bitmaps SAddr in uOLED128
I have a Dynex multicard read/writer. I place a 256 Bitmap in it named WinIcon.bmp which is 17KB. The issue I have is that I don't know what SAddr the file was placed at. I tried trial and error and found if I type in 508 as @SAddr the image shows up but chopped in half, distorted, and miscolored. I tried all adjacent SAddrs but the image is always shaped and colored strange. I also tried both 8 and 16 modes.
How does one find the specific SAddrs of images placed into the uSD from WindowsXP?
Ultimately I'd like to be able to do something such as:
··· OLED.DISPLAY_FROM_uSD(0,0, 128,128, 8, string("WinIcon.bmp"))
But if I have to keep track of SAddr numbers for different Icons that's fine. I just need it to work as a sort of GUI with icons etc the user can click on screen.
I also noticed, after placing this image in the card, and running the full 128-GMD1_Demo, the card won't work in Windows and needs to be reformatted.
FSRW might not work since the serial wires don't seem to be the same from uSD Adapter to uOLED. It may be possible, but I am a·beginner.
I understand how the "Witch" etc worked in the Demo, I just don't have a good way to get these images on my Laptop onto that screen to save them, and know how to access them later.
How does one find the specific SAddrs of images placed into the uSD from WindowsXP?
Ultimately I'd like to be able to do something such as:
··· OLED.DISPLAY_FROM_uSD(0,0, 128,128, 8, string("WinIcon.bmp"))
But if I have to keep track of SAddr numbers for different Icons that's fine. I just need it to work as a sort of GUI with icons etc the user can click on screen.
I also noticed, after placing this image in the card, and running the full 128-GMD1_Demo, the card won't work in Windows and needs to be reformatted.
OLED : "uOLED-128-GMD1" DELAY : "Clock" FSRW : "fsrw" DEBUG : "FullDuplexSerialPlus"
FSRW might not work since the serial wires don't seem to be the same from uSD Adapter to uOLED. It may be possible, but I am a·beginner.
PUB KEITH DEBUG.start(31, 30, 0, 57600) OLED.OPAQUE OLED.FTEXT(0,3, 2, 255,255,255, string("Display Copy of"),0) OLED.FTEXT(0,5, 2, 255,255,255, string(" 'WINICON' "),0) OLED.FTEXT(0,7, 2, 255,255,255, string(" from uSD card "),0) waitcnt(clkfreq / 2 + cnt) repeat Debug.str(string(16)) Debug.Str(String("Enter a decimal value: ")) SAddr := Debug.getDec Debug.str(string(13)) Debug.Str(String("Enter a Mode: ")) mode := Debug.getDec OLED.ERASE OLED.DISPLAY_FROM_uSD(0,0, 128,128, mode, @SAddr) waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) OLED.ERASE OLED.FTEXT(0,1, 2, 255,255,255, SAddr,0) OLED.FTEXT(0,2, 2, 255,255,255, SAddr,1) OLED.FTEXT(0,3, 2, 255,255,255, @SAddr,0) OLED.FTEXT(0,4, 2, 255,255,255, @SAddr,1) SETUP
I understand how the "Witch" etc worked in the Demo, I just don't have a good way to get these images on my Laptop onto that screen to save them, and know how to access them later.