Displaying battery life?
Casey Gross
Posts: 14
Im in the process of building an autonomous drone. I need to be able to tell how much battery life i have left in the battery. Whats is the best and cheapest way to do this?
Good luck,
Miles. K
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The link for Sparkfun, that component is something I plan to order here real soon. Being able to sense both voltage and current will help you determine how long you can run your drone.
I've been working on a similar project, I did a small scale using a A/D to sense voltage, while having a solar panel charge the batt when called for, and a load running.. In order to go full scale I need the current/voltage sense breakout board since I'll be dealing with voltages above 5vdc ( actually around 14 or so ).. The project is for a diesel generator to maintain a bank of batteries, allowing it to operate in a start/stop mode.. So it's similar to what your doing, except I dont need to know battery life, just the voltage, the current being used by the loads, and charging current.
I was looking into current transducers, but the breakout board from Sparkfun is far more cost effective. With enough testing, and that board I think you'd be able to closely judge battery life..