How does the propeller tool react when more than one prop clip is connected to one PC? Does a screen pop up asking which COM port to use? Or does it just work with the first one it detects?
You can tell proptool what com port to use. I ran 2 copies of the prop tool, both talking to different prop protoboards, using 1 FT2232 chip (2 ports). This was over a year ago.
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··· Procededure:
·(essentially each current propeller tool will pick up the first propeller com port it finds) ····1 - open the propeller tool and navigate to the menu "Edit | Preferences" or F5 ··· 2 - goto the "Files & Folders" tab and the "Associations" section ··· 3 - deselect "Associated files launch into single editor" - the default was selected ··· 4 - in sequence for each combination (propeller tool x, usb cable x and propeller x) ······ 4.1 -·open propeller tool #x and connect usb #x to propeller x ······ 4.2 - press F7 to identify - note com#x ······ 4.3 - disconnect the usb cable ··· 5 - when each propeller tool has associated with a different com# you are ready to reconnect all propellers ··· 6 - you can hit F10/F11 on all three at the same time now ··· 7 -·the propeller tool windows will survive a power down of all propellers· - so no need to redo this procedure while the pc is up.
··· Alternatively you can run a custom comm control program or terminal on all (x) propeller chips while leaving the propeller tool windows open.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
· Yes, as Cluso99 states, the Propeller IDE tool can work with multiple propeller chips simultaneously.
·· Here is an extract from a post last Jan with the details of connecting to 3 propellers from a single pc.
··· Procededure:
·(essentially each current propeller tool will pick up the first propeller com port it finds)
····1 - open the propeller tool and navigate to the menu "Edit | Preferences" or F5
··· 2 - goto the "Files & Folders" tab and the "Associations" section
··· 3 - deselect "Associated files launch into single editor" - the default was selected
··· 4 - in sequence for each combination (propeller tool x, usb cable x and propeller x)
······ 4.1 -·open propeller tool #x and connect usb #x to propeller x
······ 4.2 - press F7 to identify - note com#x
······ 4.3 - disconnect the usb cable
··· 5 - when each propeller tool has associated with a different com# you are ready to reconnect all propellers
··· 6 - you can hit F10/F11 on all three at the same time now
··· 7 -·the propeller tool windows will survive a power down of all propellers· - so no need to redo this procedure while the pc is up.
··· Alternatively you can run a custom comm control program or terminal on all (x) propeller chips while leaving the propeller tool windows open.
·· thank you
·· /michael