i2c min clk frequency
I am looking to use the SCL line to charge a cap to monitor the prop. My question is when the I2C interface is being used what is the shortest time the line will be high and the longest time it will be low. When the i2c is not being used scl can be set high.
I need to know so i can compute best values for R9 and C12. I want the voltage to drop below 2V as quick as possible but want it not to drop below 2V as long as the i2c interface may be in use. Initially the cap is charged to 6-12V to start.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
I need to know so i can compute best values for R9 and C12. I want the voltage to drop below 2V as quick as possible but want it not to drop below 2V as long as the i2c interface may be in use. Initially the cap is charged to 6-12V to start.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
edit: Just realised your initial 6-12v charge is possibly to get past the initial bootup period
Post Edited (Tubular) : 12/30/2009 7:47:07 PM GMT
10uF and 50k will give me 0.2s from the last pulse on SCL. very short to human perception but an eternity to the prop.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.