Christmas Present
Hi All,
I like this community so much that I am giving you all a Christmas Present.
It is a game I wrote that I think you would enjoy playing for a bit of time off from
creating all this amazing stuff that the people here seem to be doing so well.
Just press the instructions button to see how to play the game.
I hope you enjoy it and Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas and on to a Wonderful New Year
where we are all blessed with such an amazing collection of BRAINY EVIL GENIUSES all loving the
Propeller and Parallax.
Merry Christmas
I like this community so much that I am giving you all a Christmas Present.
It is a game I wrote that I think you would enjoy playing for a bit of time off from
creating all this amazing stuff that the people here seem to be doing so well.
Just press the instructions button to see how to play the game.
I hope you enjoy it and Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas and on to a Wonderful New Year
where we are all blessed with such an amazing collection of BRAINY EVIL GENIUSES all loving the
Propeller and Parallax.
Merry Christmas

···································Fix it, if ain't broke!
D Rat
Dave Ratcliff N6YEE
game. It is a little hard at first but then becomes easier.
Happy Boxing Day.......
For Americans that is Happy Returning-Stuff Day......
Actually come to think of it....that·involves Boxing too doesn't?
(the cardboard kind and the·fighting one too....
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 12/26/2009 11:06:51 AM GMT
First time I played got the high score. The second time I played scored -2. I think I'm going to need a little practice.
That is why I built into it the TRAINING mode. You should turn the training mode on and play a few
rounds with 4+ atoms. This will REALLY help you learn the game well.
With many atoms the beam trace can be surprising sometimes and you will get a feel for how you can
be tricked into concluding erroneous positions for the atoms from just knowing the entry and exit points.
I received many emails telling me that the game was fun. Thank you guys for enjoying it.
I have a lot more games that you may also enjoy playing for a bit of a diversion that are
a change from solitaire and are quite nice. Visit this page for a few
My favorites are Lunar Lander and Mishmash. But Reaction can be addictive and also TotalRecal
an eye opener.
Regards and thanks again.