About the new Say It Module from Parallax ( Code 30080) Help please.
I would like to know if I can use the Say It Module
direct to the PC ( Without a Basic Stamp) .
Some times , it is possible to add a max 232 converter
but I am not sure in this case.
Help please.
I would like to know if I can use the Say It Module
direct to the PC ( Without a Basic Stamp) .
Some times , it is possible to add a max 232 converter
but I am not sure in this case.
Help please.
I saw the commands. But it seems the software brings a bs2
routine. I other words the software is not necessary if you
connect the SAY IT module direct to a PC.
Could you confirm this please ?
I tried to use the Say-It module with a PC
( without Basic Stamp ) and it has been impossible.
I am attaching an shematic.
Perhaps you could see a mistake there.
Please, help, Thanks Joe
I have not tried to use the Say It without a BASIC Stamp module, but how do you have the Say it powered? I didn't see anything on the schematic that indicated the 5 VDC supply or the common ground. Do you have these connected? Have you verified that the Say It works? For example test it with a BS2 to make sure that everything is working properly.
Joshua Donelson
And yes, I am taking +5 V from a regulated power supply
and I used commond grounds.
I have a Basic Stamp and the module works fine.
Thanks, Joe