Don't laugh need to make choo choo train sound with prop
Hi guys I need some help I wired up a project for my wife she has this stupid electric train that goes around the Xmas tree, Its actually kind of cute I used a prop chip and wired up some blinking lights and stuff but she wants it to make the choo choo sound I built the circuit
with a pizeo using prop pin P0 and the Parallax Pizzeo but I have no idea how to get it to make that sound I used a PWM object and tried to tweak it but the sound is scary and really painful to the ears lol can anyone help me out it does not have to be fancy just go Choo Choo every few minutes Thank you and Happy Holidays to everyone
with a pizeo using prop pin P0 and the Parallax Pizzeo but I have no idea how to get it to make that sound I used a PWM object and tried to tweak it but the sound is scary and really painful to the ears lol can anyone help me out it does not have to be fancy just go Choo Choo every few minutes Thank you and Happy Holidays to everyone
You might even get the sound to fit into memory. *maybe*
Just Google for a suitable wav and a copy of Audacity and you'll be in business.
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it was no big deal to hook up the LEDS and Pizzeo but its just a Parallax Proto board not the demo I did wire up Video on Pins P12-P14 and the Audio I copied the Parallax Prop Demo board circuit but I do not have an SD card I could connect one if given the details OldBit wouldn't I need an SD card for Ray' Player ???? Thanks guys its really important to her and after 14 years to be honest I just do what I am told lol
Chip's code is in the OBEX:
Ray's wav players (I'd use the 8bit version for this)
Audacity (Best way to convert your wav to the proper filetype.)
and of course a good source or two for train sounds. (thanks Google)
If you use a small enough sound, you should be able to make it fit in memory.
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For the whistle, just run over to the local toy store and get one of those wooden train whistles you blow into. Put a small PC cooling fan at the end and fire up the fan every few moments.
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Here is the result, only 30 Spin lines of code!
With the ability to set engine speed and timing between whistles.
Well thank you all for the help I will post some pictures tonight happy holidays guys.
Nice 1 Ahle2, it sounds great!
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It turned out a lot better than I initially expected for a fast little hack.
Of course I couldn't let you down(or mikedev for that matter) when you suggested to use SIDcog.
And I almost forgot...
Merry christmas to you mikediv and everybody else.
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Have a look at this little KX1400 audio playback peripheral chip (about $2 USD in unit qty, $49 for full dev-kit) from Keterex. Not sure if it can do a choo-choo sound though. Maybe not enough bandwidth. Anyway, Parallax (or Sparkfun) should make a little breakout board for this puppy - nice:
Regards, David
I haven't played around with the sound parts of the Prop yet, can anyone tell me how to try TrainWave and/or TrainSound?
I have a Protoboard, can I connect a pin directly to a PC-speaker or something similar?
In my "to-do-project list" there is a wish for a·simulation of the bells at a railway crossing.
My idea is to sample the bells into a wav-file. Use Audacity to create two wav files, with slightly lower/higher tones then the original.
Play the wav-file with the higher tone until the train reaches the crossing, then switch to the lower-tone wav-file. Hopefulle this will sound like the Doppler-effect when passing a crossing.
Is it doable?
Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions?
Just duplicate the circuit connected on pin 10 and pin 11.(You don't need the amplifier though)
So you mean that the connection to INL and INR, after the 1uF capacitor, is instead connected to the PC-speaker?
Connect it directly to your PC speaker and enjoy.
that's a really good idea to add sound to the toys.
My son got a carrera car-racing set for christmas.
Now: I DON'T want you to sit there for hours and fiddling around on sound details.
ONLY if you have some C64 SID pressettings HANDY about racing cars can you post them?
Or maybe a link to a good source for C64 sounds?
best regards
Just in case that circuit didn't translate on your browser.. (Didn't see it correctly here.)
Grab a copy of the Propeller Cookbook from here:
There are a bunch of "Getting Started" Propeller circuits including the audio stuff. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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The circuit wasn't translated 100% correct by the browser for me either, but together with the reference to the demo board schematic, I understood it as a 470ohm resistor in series and a 10nF cap connected to ground. I tested and it worked just fine.
The cookbook mentions slighty different values for resistor and cap(s) but also a note that the caps can be omitted, so I guess that there is not just one correct solution but many.
I will make a "getting started" documentation and upload it to the SIDcog thread... it may take a while though, because it isn't a priority at the moment.
I don't have any "pressets" sounding like a racing car.
To be honest I don't think SIDcog whould do a very good job at sounding like a racing car.
I will give it a try, but I will not sit for hours
User's Manual on the SID chip. Shouldn't be that difficult to adjust the following instructions...
Change the BASIC code to SPIN, removing the requirements for POKEing the addresses. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'm betting Commodore won't mind.. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Edit: Heck, if FemtoBASIC supported DATA statements we could add the POKE commands and
have a C64 compatible SID in Femto..!
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Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 12/27/2009 5:04:38 PM GMT
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
I actually started doing that last night -- attached is a conversion of Example 1 from that manual. This file is a deliberately-direct translation so that I could get things working; once I did I started using other methods in SIDcog to make the program "cleaner."