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$13 Wall-E w/IR remote — Parallax Forums

$13 Wall-E w/IR remote

ercoerco Posts: 20,261
edited 2009-12-31 08:20 in Robotics
For you Wall-E fans, check out today's Ebay Daily Deal, not sure how long it will last. $13 includes·free slow·shipping. Cute for post-Christmas gift·or·possibly hacking ...

Merry Christmas to all !

·"If you build it, they will come."


  • GWJaxGWJax Posts: 267
    edited 2009-12-22 00:42
    Thanks erco for the post!!! I have him on the way to the house so he can be with the other larger Wall-Es...


    If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2009-12-22 01:00

    I have been told that the Ultimate Wall-E ($200-300) is a rare, sold-out, very coveted, and highly hackable item. Do you have one or know much about them?

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • GWJaxGWJax Posts: 267
    edited 2009-12-22 01:23
    that's the only one I don't have yet. They are not rare as of yet, they just did not produce enough during the main launch. I know of a few guys that do have them and from what I hear it's a very a hackable bot.. I'm looking for one that is broke so I don't feel bad about ripping it open "like I feel bad about doing it anyways" hehe about 2 months ago they were sell them for $150 US but I had to hold on buying it because of bills. Figure the odds of that one...


    If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
  • PrettybirdPrettybird Posts: 269
    edited 2009-12-22 11:41
    I deal I couldn't refuse. Thanks. Mabe something I can shove a stamp in someday.
  • GWJaxGWJax Posts: 267
    edited 2009-12-23 01:46
    How about everyone that get's one, we show our hacking skills with the mini Wall-E and the all powerful Stamp embedded in it .. any and all takers are welcomed of course. Also just got an e-mail saying mine had been shipped today. Now that service for ya...


    If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2009-12-30 22:46
    Just got mine in the mail today. The robot runs off 3 LR44 button cells, Yikes! They only mentioned three AAA batteries in the description, those are for the controller. All 6 batteries are included, but the LR44 batteries will be short-lived, I'm sure. Might be time for a LiPo battery upgrade!

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
    edited 2009-12-30 22:59
    erco can it be hacked is it big enough to fit a BS2?? what kind of motors?
  • GWJaxGWJax Posts: 267
    edited 2009-12-30 23:15
    Ya I got mine too the other day. I have not opened it up yet but from the looks of it the BS2 would have to sit on the outside and LiPo's are a must. I think the stamp can be hidden some where but not sure where until I open him up for a hack.. I can see a installing an IR LED and photo transistor in the eyes for object detection and use ony SMB components in him. This will be a great challenge to do..

    So erco what will you do with your?


    If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2009-12-31 00:45
    Rule the World, naturally!

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • GWJaxGWJax Posts: 267
    edited 2009-12-31 01:11
    Well erco we all are trying to do that!!! I guess if we have a swarm of wall-e's working together around the world then just maybe we can conquer our long term commitment. LOL


    If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
  • edited 2009-12-31 02:21
    erco said...

    I have been told that the Ultimate Wall-E ($200-300) is a rare, sold-out, very coveted, and highly hackable item. Do you have one or know much about them?

    I saw one at the local Toys R Us before Christmas and I imagine it is still there but my wife wouldn't put it on my Christmas list [noparse]:([/noparse]

    We have a Wall-E that is below that version and I got it on sale for half.·
  • GWJaxGWJax Posts: 267
    edited 2009-12-31 03:03
    Ya that would be the Wall-E command, I have 2 of them, One that is still in the working of adding AI to it and the other is still intact..


    If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2009-12-31 04:59
    This little Wall-E is tiny, cute and actually drives impressively straight for a small-wheeled diffdrive robot, but the exposed gears on the drive wheels will suck up dirt & dog hairs off the floor pretty quickly. Definitely a tabletop-only robot. It could be hacked to track to an IR beacon easily enough. Maybe even self-dock & recharge at the beacon. Hmmm, sounds like another ROBOT magazine article in the offing. TOM???!!!

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • PrettybirdPrettybird Posts: 269
    edited 2009-12-31 08:20
    Got one and disappointed. Sending it back to Ebay
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