Serial Problem
I am using the 4port serial object for this, port 1. The method first waits for a byte indefinitely, if a byte is rec'd, it goes to ser.rxtime where it will wait just a short time, if a byte shows up it reads it, else move on. Using rxtime allows the loop to always park at the top.
I am sending a ping from a Mac, which is 4 bytes: 1F 01 01 DE and everything is fine. If I add 1 extra byte to the end of the string, the prop just doesn't respond, then I can remove the extra byte (5th byte) in the string and everything works again. But if I add 2 extra bytes at the end of the string, the cog crashes and never recovers, other cogs keep on running. I am sure this is something simple, but can't see it. The thing is that under controlled circumstances, the Prop would never see more than the controlled string I am sending it, but if like the example above where some error happened and the Mac or pc is sending out extra bytes, the Prop must handle the excess.
Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 12/19/2009 4:25:56 AM GMT
I am sending a ping from a Mac, which is 4 bytes: 1F 01 01 DE and everything is fine. If I add 1 extra byte to the end of the string, the prop just doesn't respond, then I can remove the extra byte (5th byte) in the string and everything works again. But if I add 2 extra bytes at the end of the string, the cog crashes and never recovers, other cogs keep on running. I am sure this is something simple, but can't see it. The thing is that under controlled circumstances, the Prop would never see more than the controlled string I am sending it, but if like the example above where some error happened and the Mac or pc is sending out extra bytes, the Prop must handle the excess.
VAR pingbuffer[noparse][[/noparse]12] PUB RS485test | i, val 'pingbuffer dira[noparse][[/noparse]RSEna] := 1 outa[noparse][[/noparse]RSEna] := 0 repeat ser.rxflush(1) ser.txflush(1) pingbuffer[noparse][[/noparse]0] := ser.rx(1) 'waits here for first byte i := 1 Repeat 3 'look for more, else return Val := ser.rxtime(1,2) 'read more, port 0, wait only 2 ms If val == -1 Return pingbuffer[i] := Val i := i + 1 If pingbuffer[noparse][[/noparse]0] == $1F 'string header chksum := pingbuffer[noparse][[/noparse]0] + pingbuffer + pingbuffer !chksum 'NOT cls 'clear lcd go(0,0) ser.hex(3, chksum, 2) if chksum == pingbuffer 'c incoming chksum chksum := $1F + $01 + $FF '1F + LEN + ACK set ping response !chksum rem := 1 outa[noparse][[/noparse]RSena] := 1 ser.str(1, string($1F, $0A, $FF, $62, $65, $6C, $6C, $5F, $76, $30, $30, $31, $D2 )) w(1_000_000) outa[noparse][[/noparse]RSena] := 0 cls go(1,0) ser.hex(3, pingbuffer[noparse][[/noparse]0], 2) ser.str(3, string(" ")) ser.hex(3, pingbuffer, 2) ser.str(3, string(" ")) ser.hex(3, pingbuffer, 2) ser.str(3, string(" ")) ser.hex(3, pingbuffer, 2)[/i]
Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 12/19/2009 4:25:56 AM GMT
then you need
best regards
The issue was resolved strangely by adding a delay as shown below, so all is well.