Vdd during programming
Recently I bought a small bunch of 28-pin DIP SX chips from a major supplier and found that a couple of them won't program (using the SX Key) with Vdd at 3 volts. They will program with Vdd around 5 volts and they seem to run ok after programming when Vdd is 3 volts. All the previous chips I've used program fine when Vdd is 3 volts as do some of the chips in this batch. Is this a common problem?
I assume you have the USB version of the SX-Key ? The serial version does need 5.0V to program.
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Yes, I'm using the USB version of the SX-Key.
Hopefully it's just these couple of bad chips, I've got more coming soon from this same supplier and will test them when they arrive.
Thanks again,