Controlling the temperature of a hot wire.
I have a project where it would be handy to be able to control the temperature of a hot wire under different thermal conditions. This requires varying the power applied to the wire via PWM. The resistance of the wire corresponds to the temperature and so controlling to a resistance setpoint should give a reasonably repeatable wire temperature. But the trick is, how do you measure the resistance of the wire while heater is operating?
I thought of maybe using a series resistor with a known resistance and an ADC, but that seems to require quite a bit of power to be dissipated in the measuring circuit. Is there a more clever way to do this task with a prop?
I thought of maybe using a series resistor with a known resistance and an ADC, but that seems to require quite a bit of power to be dissipated in the measuring circuit. Is there a more clever way to do this task with a prop?
Can you measure the wire temperature directly using an IR temperature sensor?
Style and grace : Nil point
As you say, temp is proportional to resistance. The 'sense' resistor does not need to be a very high value, and ideally shouldn't get hot. I used a 30cm length of thicker hookup wire - the same thickness as is used in automotive wiring. All connections must be soldered.
Turn on the power with the PWM. Wait a little. Then sample the volts on either side of the sense resistor. V=IR and even though R is not known exactly, it is fixed and you can work it out if you know the wire thickness. So you can work out 'I' from the voltage drop. This current will be the same through the heating wire. Now measure the volts across the heating wire and R=V/I and V and I are known so you can work out R and that is proportional to the temperature. Use this to adjust the width of the next pulse.
This technique works regardless of the supply volts (which will droop a bit whether it is a mains supply or battery).
To get resistance
R = V/I
where I is measured and V = Supply voltage * duty
First, the wire is actually part of a glow plug. Not different than the cutting wire in any real way and the idea is the same (I used to cut foam wings with a hot wire cutter).
I did some playing on the bench tonight and the wire seems to respond amazingly fast (to me at least). The same duty cycle at 500 Hz and 100 Hz produce visibly different temperatures. 1000 Hz is different than 500 at the same duty cycle, but not as much. 10 Hz you can see the wire basically flashing on and off.
The ICs look interesting, but I'd like to avoid the extra complication. The RC circuit idea intrigues me, as low parts count is a big plus. However, I really have no idea how to implement it.
The plug consumes about 1 amp at 1.25 V when its at the right temperature (1.25 Ohms). A 0.1 Ohm shunt would consume 10% of the load's power, meaning I could control the wire temp up to 50 Watts with a 5W resistor, or 10W with a 1W resistor.
Could I use a prop pin as a 1-bit ADC with the serial resistor and simply turn on the heater when the pin goes high and turn it off when it goes low? Its sort of hard to do with the 1.65V threshold with out using an amp, and then I'm back to the parts count thing.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that this is a battery powered app, so consuming less power is better. I'm thinking that doubling the power with a 1 ohm shunt might not be such a bad thing...
Post Edited (DavidGreg) : 12/14/2009 1:47:46 AM GMT
With PWM at 500 Hz, I wonder if you have to worry about inductance in the type of resistor you select? There are "non-inductance" power resistors, which I think cost a little more. I suppose inductance might be a consideration, too, if you are coiling this "glow plug" wire into some fancy shape. These are questions, just thinking out loud.
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I have some 5 milliOhm ones from Newark: Part# 20C1972
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