batron lcd blank and won't display anything
i have the following batron·or data-modul lcd display:
i am attempting to use a slightly modified version of the·sample code from· on page 205
i can't get anything to display on the lcd.
i think the problem is that i am not setting the bus timings correctly because i have triple checked the pin to pin connections.
i have attached my code. can someone take a look and let me know how i can get something on the display.
i have the following batron·or data-modul lcd display:
i am attempting to use a slightly modified version of the·sample code from· on page 205
i can't get anything to display on the lcd.
i think the problem is that i am not setting the bus timings correctly because i have triple checked the pin to pin connections.
i have attached my code. can someone take a look and let me know how i can get something on the display.
I tried your code, and it works, but only with the pinout of the original example you based your code on. If you need to change the pinout, you will have to change the 'P' and 'RS' constants, as well as several binary bit patterns (e.g. char = %00000110) that assume a specific pinout.
-- David Carrier
Parallax, Inc.
Edit: P.S. This code may be easier to base your project on:
Post Edited (David Carrier (Parallax)) : 12/11/2009 12:20:44 AM GMT
here is the current pin out
' LCD Connections:
' LCD - (Function) - Pin Out on BS2
' pin 1 Vss VSS
' pin 2 Vdd VDD
' pin 3 Vzero VDD
' pin 4 RS P0
' pin 5 R/W P1
' pin 6 E P2
' pin 7 DB0 P3
' pin 8 DB1 P4
' pin 9 DB2 P5
' pin 10 DB3 P6
' pin 11 DB4 P7
' pin 12 DB5 P8
' pin 13 DB6 P9
' pin 14 DB7 P10
' pin 15 LED+ VDD
' pin 16 LED- VSS
i configured the pin outs like you suggested and am using the basic code sample you sent me but still can't get anything on the lcd.
i have attached the code and the pin out to pin out configurations.
i would appreciate your help aligning the code into a working example that i can work from and learn what the code is doing.
thanks again for all of your help. i will try and call later to get ahold of you.
If you change your wiring to follow this setup, it will work with your code as well as the example code:
-- David Carrier
Parallax, Inc.
i made the switch but still get nothing. attached is the new piece of code.
here is the function set
look on page 15 of the pdf
'DEBUG "8bit, 2 line, 5x8", CR
OUTL = %0011000
GOSUB Send_Inst
(this is clearly wrong and has a typo but allows something to be written to the first line only
as you suggested:
when i change this to 00111000, i don't get anything on the display at all,
when i change this to 00110000, i get one line of code on the display
when i change this to 00101000, i don't get anything on the display
when i try 00100000 i get very strange results probably due to setting it to 4 bit mode
i have also stated that i have completely eliminated this line and let the module set itself up.
neither work.
i have tried manually setting the cursor to the second line or letting autoincriment handle it.
neither work.