Driving an audio speaker with one or more pins of a UNL2803
Has anyone tried using a UNL2803 to drive a 4ohm or 8ohm speaker.?
It seems that if I were to put a 10uf capacitor between the speaker and the UNL2803, it would be okay (and a very simple driver).
Ain't gadetry a wonderful thing?
aka G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse] 黃鶴 ] in Taiwan
It seems that if I were to put a 10uf capacitor between the speaker and the UNL2803, it would be okay (and a very simple driver).
Ain't gadetry a wonderful thing?
aka G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse] 黃鶴 ] in Taiwan
Ain't gadetry a wonderful thing?
aka G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse] 黃鶴 ] in Taiwan
If you're angling at "amplifying" FREQOUT (which is·just AF swinging at·logic-level) or something then this·idea might do, but not for anything else (a Walkman, iPod, &c.)
Understood. But any one pin output to a speaker is highly imperfect audio, so I am just looking for a simple way to drive such. A DAC approach might require the parallel output of 8 bits (meaning 8 I/0 pins) and related software complexities. IT would just be nice to get a louder tone as output than a piezoelectric speaker offers.
Ain't gadetry a wonderful thing?
aka G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse] 黃鶴 ] in Taiwan
Honestly,·what's the struggle here?
The LM386N-3·is an 8-pin IC, an audio amplifier qua audio amplifier.· Its minimal configuration requires a resistor,·two capacitors and a potentiometer (log/audio).· What's the big deal?· Capacitively coupling the source to the amp's input, recommended (unless you·desire DC gain)·although not shown, will require·another capacitor.
Maxim has headphone amp ICs (SMT) which require no external components, but they use digital volume control, etc.
Try your posted idea and inform us as to your success.
Don't have a cow, PJ.
Ain't gadetry a wonderful thing?
aka G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse] 黃鶴 ] in Taiwan
Did you implement your idea or not?· Post, post, post, post, post.
What do you want?· Validation, explanation, consolation?