Can PDF schematic file be converted ??
Posts: 825
Hi guys after working for weeks on a project with my schematic drawing program "circuitmaker2K" somehow when I saved the file it saved it as a PDF file I can read and open it with adobe but I can no longer load it into any of my CAD programs I am total scrwd !!
I literally have been working on this for weeks full time I will have to start over from scratch if I can not figure this out .. I know how I saved it I figured that out I should have paid more attention to file type but now it will only let me access it as a PDF does anyone have any ideas?
I need to pull it back into my CAD program becuase I was going to have boards made but vendor can not use PDF??? I also thought about scanning it back in but software only lets me scan it as a text or picture and same thing CAD program will not recognize it
I literally have been working on this for weeks full time I will have to start over from scratch if I can not figure this out .. I know how I saved it I figured that out I should have paid more attention to file type but now it will only let me access it as a PDF does anyone have any ideas?
I need to pull it back into my CAD program becuase I was going to have boards made but vendor can not use PDF??? I also thought about scanning it back in but software only lets me scan it as a text or picture and same thing CAD program will not recognize it
thanks again
Kwinn here is waht I have so far the program Brad listed(thank you Brad) mwill let take a PDF file and convert it o a DFX Auto Cad file
its not a clean conversion there are a lot of problems but it will do it DFX is no good to me for the program I am using but I do have autocad 13
so then from autocad you can save file AS and it will let you save a differant file types unfortunatly none that helped me· ,, but then I was able to save output from autocad 13 to Orcad whew then from Orcad I can save file AS a file that Proteous 7 would read then from Proteous 7 I was able to load into Eagle Pro I have lost so much of my desgin though I might have to start over but some of it is better than nothing its a very big file
I think the program Brad listed hasmuch more potential but even though they say free 30 eval its crippled for file types.
I am wondering if I can scan my circuit then read with the program Brad listed and just use that I also think Eagle Pro has the potentail to fix my problem but I do not know how to use it just yet I will keep everyone posted I never realized how many schematics online are actually PDF files
it would be awesome if we could download these sharware circuits and be able to make boards out of them using Eagle or somehting like that
Your experience and Todd's post was a good reminder to us all to ALWAYS have more than one copy of each file we're working on!
At least yesterday's version would save some amount of work.
Tom Sisk
For Linux I use rsnapshot not only to my main drive, but to an external USB 1TB drive.
For all of the Windows stuff, since I run VMWare, I make weekly copies of the entire VMWare database to the TB drive.
Not to promote a product, but I think the best $20 I ever spent was on Active@UNDELETE. The reason I mention this particular software is because some programs.. i.e. CAD, Word, Excel type programs will create temporary files that are actually native documents regardless of what you "Save As". After you are done of course they perform a 'clean up' and are deleted, but using something like Active@UNDELETE might allow you to retrieve the temp files and save them under a different name.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 12/12/2009 4:29:34 AM GMT
What I meant was... sometimes a program will create a native file as a temp file that it uses and makes changes to before you actually save your program. This 'native file' that is created is usually a default file type that the program was designed for and NOT what you would "save as" given the option i.e. a PDF ... in a case such as this it might be possible to retrieve a particular temp file, provide your hard drive hasn't hashed it by writing something else over it before you get a chance to get to it.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
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· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
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I save files with a numbering system, just keep bumping up the number at some interval that seems logical or necessary. When there is a major change or improvement, add a discriptor to the file for just that save only, ie myfile143 myfile144 myfile145(internet_is_now_working).spin. This way, if the project is really complex, you have a chronology of how the project came together. Many times I have had to go back and track down things from earlier revisions that were working back then, but aren't now. Having flags of significant changes helps get right back to the root of a problem. When you are knee deep in a project, you easily remember what was what, but 6 months after you are scratching you head trying to figure out what you did.
If you want me to test it for you let me know.