Hello to all!
Background:·· I have about 4 years experiance with the bs2. I have about 6 months experiance with the bs2SX. I have quite a················
·················· few programs·written·for these two·stamps.·Many of my programs would benefit from the propeller's multi cog multi-tasking abilities!
Foreground:·· I have purchased, received, and started on the propeller education kit.
My Intention: To convert my BS2·projects to work with the propeller.
My Question: Are there any charts, lists or other documents that bridge the gap between PBASIC commands and SPIN
···················commands? IE ...makes the spin lanuage intrepretable by somebody familiar with Pbasic.
Background:·· I have about 4 years experiance with the bs2. I have about 6 months experiance with the bs2SX. I have quite a················
·················· few programs·written·for these two·stamps.·Many of my programs would benefit from the propeller's multi cog multi-tasking abilities!
Foreground:·· I have purchased, received, and started on the propeller education kit.
My Intention: To convert my BS2·projects to work with the propeller.
My Question: Are there any charts, lists or other documents that bridge the gap between PBASIC commands and SPIN
···················commands? IE ...makes the spin lanuage intrepretable by somebody familiar with Pbasic.
Powered by enthusiasm
I will keep going through the Labs, any help with these conversions will surely speed the learning process.
Don't be obstinate and force us to drag it out of you - then it will cease being fun and educational for all of us
Post Edited (Mike Huselton) : 12/9/2009 2:43:30 AM GMT
Thanks for the help, I really do appriciate everybody's time.
It provides a lot of BS2- commands as function calls:
It contains also a COUNT function.