4n25 Base pin - to ground or not?
I've recently come across some schematics that use 4n25 Opto-couplers. On many of these schematics there is a 10K resistor between the base (pin6) and ground.
Normally I don't ground the base when using opto couplers but perhaps there is a real good reason why (I presume it's to stop false triggering - but I could be wrong).
I've checked data sheets and several other schematics - mostly the base is left unconnected, but there are a few ...
Is my presumption correct (about false triggering)? What is best practice? Why?
The future is in our hands.
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Normally I don't ground the base when using opto couplers but perhaps there is a real good reason why (I presume it's to stop false triggering - but I could be wrong).
I've checked data sheets and several other schematics - mostly the base is left unconnected, but there are a few ...
Is my presumption correct (about false triggering)? What is best practice? Why?
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
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