AD Op Amp
We are trying to build a ciruit which will allow us to monitor real time changes in mV between 0.6 mV and 1.8 mV using a TL082 Op Amp and an AD convertor (0831). The feedback resistive ladder constructed to the inverting terminal is 4K and 100K ohm resistors. We have tested the AD circuit using a 10K POT connected to Vss and we know that aspect of our circuit is correct. We think our problem involves either the arrangment of the resistors at the inverting terminal or that our Op Amp is not sensative enough. If anyone could shed some light on the subject, it would be great
can you shed some MORE light on your project by providing a schematic and datasheets of the parts you use ?
best regards
0.6 mV to 1.8 mV is a very small amount to deal with and seperate from the normal noise floor.· Is there a frequency component between this small voltage that could be detected here?
Stefan is correct, a schematic of what you have and the type of signal this is would greatly help.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.