Prop II ProtoBoard

I know that I am not going to solder a Prop II and will need a board from someone.· A proposed design:
IO will be in groups of 8x3, signal, power, and ground with 0.1 inch spacing.· The user can solder in male pins or female sockets.· Four groups would be 3.3 volts IO and power.· Three groups would be 5 volt IO and selectable 5 volt/Vin power.
The last 8 IO are for program download/EEPROM/wireless IO.· If the EEPROM is I2C, please put a pullup on both data and clock.· Bring out the I2C lines to a 5x4 area, clock, data, 3.3 volts and ground.· The last 4 pins in this group would go to a XBee header.
If necessary to save money, replace the XBee header with 4 LED's and make all of the IO 3.3 volt.
Mounting holes for 4x40 or 6x32 screws/standoffs.
Healthy power supplies since one may add lots of sensors/etc. to a board with 64 IO.
John Abshier
IO will be in groups of 8x3, signal, power, and ground with 0.1 inch spacing.· The user can solder in male pins or female sockets.· Four groups would be 3.3 volts IO and power.· Three groups would be 5 volt IO and selectable 5 volt/Vin power.
The last 8 IO are for program download/EEPROM/wireless IO.· If the EEPROM is I2C, please put a pullup on both data and clock.· Bring out the I2C lines to a 5x4 area, clock, data, 3.3 volts and ground.· The last 4 pins in this group would go to a XBee header.
If necessary to save money, replace the XBee header with 4 LED's and make all of the IO 3.3 volt.
Mounting holes for 4x40 or 6x32 screws/standoffs.
Healthy power supplies since one may add lots of sensors/etc. to a board with 64 IO.
John Abshier
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Post Edited (Leon) : 12/2/2009 6:50:21 PM GMT
John Abshier
Never use force, just go for a bigger hammer!
The DIY Digital-Readout for mills, lathes etc.:
Get yourself a good solder station (I can recommend Metcal, they aren't expensive if bought second-hand) and try one of those SMD kits that are available. You should pick it up quite quickly.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.