Programming Prop From Blackberry
The Vinculum is seeing the Blackberry, and then I set the BB to mass storage mode. Then the Prop goes to the documents folder and does a checksum on a .eeprom file, if good it writes the .eeprom to the boot eeprom.
Still working on it. But this is a very cool way for a contractor on a job site ( with no computer or internet ) to get a file and make software updates as I send them. I will post an update when and if I get it working.
Still working on it. But this is a very cool way for a contractor on a job site ( with no computer or internet ) to get a file and make software updates as I send them. I will post an update when and if I get it working.
Ken Gracey
Sending out a DIR query:
BLACKB~1 DIR TR etc etc
That's how far I am.
Using VMUSIC2 basically, MUSIC software on Vinculum
I need a hex to ascii converter to compact these responses to an LCD.
Also, in the Blackberry you have to set:
Auto enable Mass Storage Mode When Connected: YES (The default is PROMPT and did not work)
Hopefully the plan is to email a 8.3 file name to the Blackberry, which should go to documents. Then the Prop will change directories to the documents folder and transfer the file over to the eeprom.
The files must be 3 digits for extension and 8 for the name.
I'll post some code soon.
Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 12/2/2009 6:14:39 AM GMT
24 bit LCD Breakout Board coming soon. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 12/2/2009 7:05:12 AM GMT
Change the name "tx" to whatever you're using for a character output routine.
Hopefully we will get some more info later.
For anyone with interest in this, let me know what you need and I will post it. I do not have a proper object, just code blocks I could post if someone wanted to see the basics. I am using a custom made VMusic2, but a Vinculum with USB port will suffice. The Blackberry uses a standard mini USB to USB-A. There are other notes in the thread about settting the Blackberry pref for acting as mass storage, must be YES not PROMPT.
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
WBA-TH1M Sensirion SHT11 Module
Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge, Mar 20, 2010
Download hex editor
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
So this has a limited use unless there is a workaround. Quite possibly reformatting the memory card by a pc would solve it, but I wanted to use the Blackberry in it's most store bought form due to having to deal with clients that don't want a hassle. In any case it was fun figuring it out.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.