Dr_Acula said...
Quick answer - 5V into the propeller - use a 1k resistor in series.
By my quick back of the envelope calculations (and even allowing for the clamp diodes to drop 0.6v) 5V into a 3.3V input via a 1K resistor is going to see 1.1mA (remember I assume the clamp diode is 0.6v). The clamp diodes are rated at 500uA, so you are exceeding their rating by a factor of 2. If you don't take into account the clamp diode voltage drop, then you are exceeding their rating by over 3x.
My calcs come out at ~3.3K to be safe.
If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.
Yes, No, Maybe, Could you repeat the question?
By my quick back of the envelope calculations (and even allowing for the clamp diodes to drop 0.6v) 5V into a 3.3V input via a 1K resistor is going to see 1.1mA (remember I assume the clamp diode is 0.6v). The clamp diodes are rated at 500uA, so you are exceeding their rating by a factor of 2. If you don't take into account the clamp diode voltage drop, then you are exceeding their rating by over 3x.
My calcs come out at ~3.3K to be safe.
If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.