Propeller chip size?
i have a prop chip on order, i looking for a DIL socket for the prop chip.
It the 40 dip one. P8X32A-D40
Does anyone have the mesurement of the width between the rows of pins? The 12,3 mm that is stated at the parallax, is that the width of the chip or the pins?
i have a prop chip on order, i looking for a DIL socket for the prop chip.
It the 40 dip one. P8X32A-D40
Does anyone have the mesurement of the width between the rows of pins? The 12,3 mm that is stated at the parallax, is that the width of the chip or the pins?
24 bit LCD Breakout Board coming soon. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
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Finally able to order the last parts [noparse]:)[/noparse]