Using the ProtoPlug Alternative question
I just set up my breadboard like it shows in Propeller labs and now I could use some help figuring out how to hook up my ProtoPlug alternative so I can program it.
I am using a and I am a bit confused because I don't know which pins on this I should be using and where they should be running because the labeling is odd.
On the bread board I have RX, TX, RES and Vss, now this seems like a dumb question but how do I tie this into the plug which has GND, CTS, 3.3V, TX0, RX1 and DTR. I would assume RX and TX tie to RX1 and TX0 respectively, DTR to RES and Vss to GND?
Any help is great, thank you!
Post Edited (noobmuncher) : 11/22/2009 6:12:45 AM GMT
I just set up my breadboard like it shows in Propeller labs and now I could use some help figuring out how to hook up my ProtoPlug alternative so I can program it.
I am using a and I am a bit confused because I don't know which pins on this I should be using and where they should be running because the labeling is odd.
On the bread board I have RX, TX, RES and Vss, now this seems like a dumb question but how do I tie this into the plug which has GND, CTS, 3.3V, TX0, RX1 and DTR. I would assume RX and TX tie to RX1 and TX0 respectively, DTR to RES and Vss to GND?
Any help is great, thank you!
Post Edited (noobmuncher) : 11/22/2009 6:12:45 AM GMT