Ping radar - with a lock function
The wife went out last weekend to do some Christmas shopping (I hope she buys some Parallax stuff) while·I continued my learning of PASM.· Well, to say the least, I got bored; I needed a break.· After about an hour, I decided to add a "lock" function to my PING RADAR (that I posted in the "stamps in class" forum).· I know, I know, this is a "kid" thing.· But it was kinda fun.· You need to break-up the serious stuff every once in awhile!· Anyway, the attached program just requires a PING and a STANDARD SERVO.· It will scan, until it senses a target.· Then it will go into an "acquisition" phase.· Then, it will attempt to lock onto the target.· Once locked on, it will move to the "mid-point".· It will stay there until the target moves out of position.· A standard calculator works nice.· Then it will continue to scan.· Just some fun stuff.· Not really anything special.· Maybe the new guys/gals might like it.· Anyway, I needed a break, and this is the result.· Have a good one.· Back to the boring stuff (PASM).
Post Edited (tronsnavy) : 11/21/2009 2:47:56 PM GMT
Post Edited (tronsnavy) : 11/21/2009 2:47:56 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
50 72 6F 6A 65 63 74 20 53 69 74 65
Not the fish.