How much does it cost?

I am in need of a BS2P(40 pin) program. It must be able to control three step motors. It must be able to do linear interpolation in X-Y plane and move in Z direction. Namely, it can be used on CNC machine or mobile platform. How much does such a Basic Stamp program cost? Any friend can evaluate on such a program and give out the price.
Post Edited (Chen) : 11/17/2009 5:10:54 AM GMT
Post Edited (Chen) : 11/17/2009 5:10:54 AM GMT
- Stephen
Post Edited (Chen) : 11/17/2009 5:01:20 AM GMT
sell it to yourself?
I guess someone here in this forum can write a cheaper program that can do the same thing for you, no problem!
You said a PC was the front end feeding co-ordinated to the Stamp. Use the PC for crunching the numbers for the interpolation and use the Stamp as a driver for the amps only.
On the other hand, there are already lots of PC based CNC programs available.
One of the top sellers is Mach 3 by Artsoft is under $500 with a CAD program.
Lots of lower end CNC companies use this type of CNC software.
Why reinvent the wheel?
As for selling it for $1 million...Allen-Bradley, GE/Fanuc and Seimans make the worlds best/most expensive CNC controllers and you can buy them including hardware for around $10,000 to 50,000 USD.
mAybe you should do some market studies for your pending product
Alan Bradford ·N1YMQ
Plasma Technologies
Canaan NH 03741
I work on higher end CNC's but I run into people who use this type of software fairly often.
The machines I work on start at $40,000 and go up, the same type of machine (hobby grade) that uses Mach 3 type CNC controls run $4,500 to $20,000.
I didnt want anyone to think I was selling or endorsing Mach 3
Alan Bradford ·N1YMQ
Plasma Technologies
Canaan NH 03741