Prop Serial Port Programmer Question
Posts: 433
I built the serial port programmer from the Propeller Data Sheet V1.2. Propeller tool doesn't see the propeller on COM1. COM1 is set in control panel to the default 9600,8,N,1 no flow control. Should these settings be changed? The DC voltages seem correct on both sides of the serial port programmer. I've Ohm'ed out the cables and the connections seem correct. I've scoured the Propeller Manual, Data Sheet, and Unofficial Wiki and can't seem to find an answer to this. Before I break out more test equipment tomorrow I thought I would toss this out and see if anyone has a suggestion.
Regards, David
Regards, David
I do not know if it is the inversion and hence the other edge of DTR being used that makes the difference, or if it is just a better pulse shape/width/timing.
Style and grace : Nil point
What are your serial port settings when using the Propeller Tool to program the prop? I see no way to set the serial port rate etc. in Prop Tool, so it must auto-baud I assume? What about flow control settings?
Tnx, David
115200 baud. No flow control. DTR is used in a short (~10ms) pulse to reset the prop, although I believe the Propeller Tool can be configured to use the RTS line instead if you are wired that way.
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