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anyone can help me in the easy bluetooth module....plz — Parallax Forums

anyone can help me in the easy bluetooth module....plz

wavestorm1986wavestorm1986 Posts: 12
edited 2009-11-12 04:37 in Accessories
heloo everybody.....
i bought an EASY BT MODULE, i already detect the signal of the MODULE in my LAPTOP using the built-in BT, and i also detect the signal in my mobile phone.
i tried to connect between the module and the laptop using hyper terminal,after i create the LOINK which was that the BT icon of laptop can indicate that its, when ever i press (AT) in the hyper terminal nothing will appear in the box..........i hit enter i found the LED of the easy BT module is PLINK whenever i hit enter........
i will try to connect the module using RS232 to a PC later, but my problem is any person can explain to me why the connection is there but cant see anything in the box when i press AT???

if i want to send an audio file or a PNG file is it possible from the laptop to the module and to the PC??????

thanx for your the way i am using labVIEW to detect the signal from the BT module


  • skylightskylight Posts: 1,915
    edited 2009-11-10 13:26
    you need another forum this is for parallax products, specifically the basic stamp
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2009-11-10 14:36
    The Easy Bluetooth module provides a serial port via Bluetooth. It's possible to send files over a serial connection, but you need a program on each end of the connection to do it. A program like Kermit or any terminal emulator that handles file transfers via a standard protocol like XModem or YModem will work.

    We can't answer your other question about why it doesn't seem to work without much more information about how you have things connected and configured. Keep in mind that you can't connect the Easy Bluetooth module directly to an RS232 port without possibly damaging the Easy Bluetooth module.
  • wavestorm1986wavestorm1986 Posts: 12
    edited 2009-11-12 04:37
    MR.GREEN thanx for ur help..... i will use MAX232 and 4 capacitor to smoother the signal from the BT MODULE and i will connect it to the PC,so it will be like this

    is that correct?????
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