Library of Parallax parts - kiCad/diptrace/TinyCAD/others ?

Hi ya,
I'm looking at making some PCBs and need to schematic design as well as layout PCBs.
Does anyone have any libraries for any of the 'other' (not Eagle - I think my boards are going to be too big - I need to solder them (not surface mount) so they are going to be 'larger') packages out there that they would be willing to share?
I'm dabbled with all the packages above (as well as Eagle) but before I get serious and settle on a package, I thought I'd see if I can get a leg up by 'sitting on the shoulders of giants' (I'm no where near good enough to stand yet).
Thanks in advance.
The future is in our hands.
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I'm looking at making some PCBs and need to schematic design as well as layout PCBs.
Does anyone have any libraries for any of the 'other' (not Eagle - I think my boards are going to be too big - I need to solder them (not surface mount) so they are going to be 'larger') packages out there that they would be willing to share?
I'm dabbled with all the packages above (as well as Eagle) but before I get serious and settle on a package, I thought I'd see if I can get a leg up by 'sitting on the shoulders of giants' (I'm no where near good enough to stand yet).
Thanks in advance.
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
I hadn't heard (or used) Pulsonix. A quick look on their website suggests to me that it's going to be expensive (I'm always worried when I can't find $ on a website - "If you need to ask, you can't afford it"). Not even on the local distributor can I find $.
Having said that, I'll do a bit more exploring (I'll download the trial and give it a kick about).
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Thanks for that. Unfortunately I'll need to back away from that one. There is no way I do enough board work to justify that sort of $.
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
The component creation is easy in PCB Artist, but the out-of-box library could be more complete.
The catch with PCB Artist is that it ties you to Advanced Circuits board production (at least for first run) as it does not seem possible to generate Gerbers from PCB Artist (you'll get Gerbers with your order, though). Advanced Circuits gives nice discounts to student projects and their boards are nicely done, which is a situation that works for me. YMMV.
Post Edited (Pavel) : 11/10/2009 4:53:13 AM GMT
Attached is the P8X32 library for the schematics and the PCB .
I use the PQFP44 footprint for the PCB.
Try it if you don't know, you'll need 2/3 hours to discover it.
Check the pinout and the component symbol, i've just made it !
Good luck
At the moment you'll find the propeller DIP and Surface mounted, the eeprom and the xtal.
Note the two propeller versions have the same layout. The SMD version has power supply pins superposed. This way you should be able to switch between a TH and an SMD version just substituting the component, but not changing anything else in the layout.
Note: Use the latest development version (2.70 beta) and NOT the 2.60. The newer version fixes a lot of annoying issues.