Programming help and other stupid questions
Ok so I want to thank the Parallax guys they helped me get my USB servo board working. I can move my little robot arm now using the Parallax software but I want to write my own programs now an I am not sure what most people use. What programming language do most people use to run the robots they build? I was looking at Free Basic which is easy and looks good, I know I have seen some using VB, and I think there is some programming language Parallax made but I am not sure....I want it to be and my Robot will be tied to a PC so I will actually be controlling it from the PC....what do you guys use. I am hoping to learn and take advantage of code others have published....and advice or pointers would be appreciated....I have done pleanty of programming so any language is fine with me I just dont want to re-invent the wheel and want to use the one that seems to be most popular and is supported by the hobbiest the most...
·"If you build it, they will come."
- Stephen
open "COM3:2400,n,8,1,ds0,cs0,rs" for random as #commHandle
position0$ = "!SC"+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(83)+CHR$(1)+CHR$(13)
print #commHandle, position0$;
close #commHandle
This sends the command string to move the servos. I can move them no problem now but I was wanting to know if there is a language that is popular and people are using. PBasic needs to use the Stamp I think and I just wanted to know if there was a stand alone language people use.
- Stephen
The best language is one that you like to work with, and has an easy interface to com ports on a PC. And by saying PC I am assuming Windows. I think the thing I have seen used the most for that is Visual Basic, because it is common, well documented, and plays nice with Windows hardware. C# is probably also fine, and a language that many experienced programmers prefer. I am not familiar with JBasic, but you have inspired me to check it out.
My Robots