·········· So what ever to this project?? im fairlt new to the prop chip but I can see I will need more ram in the not to·distant·future. I would be happy with like 256K or somthing though, hell I couldnt see my self even useing past one meg, specially when you have·that nice little SD card·plug in. I would love a little kit that·can plug in to a bread bord, or even a bagy of chips that you can plug in to a bread bord your self to teach you how writing to an external ram chip is done.
Dose any one know how much ram the prop 2 will have?
test rig built. short 4 pins but luckily it will work without 4 pins(1x 3.3V, 1x 1.8V, 2x VSS) I would prefer all pins but this will simulate worst case.
The prop2 will have 300k or so RAM.
You can do 256k RAM with a relitevely inexpensive SRAM chip and 2x 74HC573N
on a bread board you would not be able to run it at high speeds though because of poor connections and terible EMI.
I went with 8MW because it has a good price point and it is always good to shoot for higher then lower. Cutting the amount of RAM in half would save only a few dollars and would make it much more expensive for those that do need it.
I have plans to utilize a large portion of 1 of these modules to do high res 16bit colour with a large number of movable transparent sprites. What you plan to do with them is up to you.
it is late and I have to get some sleep but after assembling and testing a few modules i have yet to have one pass and I am thinking it is due to a software error. I know my code will properly set the latches to the correct address. am I missing something for what is needed for simple reading and writing to the module?
i know it is ineficient but I am just looking for working at the moment. I am using the following to read the ram value:
'Get value
DIRA[noparse][[/noparse]7..0]~ 'set to input
OUTA[noparse][[/noparse]20]:=1 'CS active
OUTA[noparse][[/noparse]18]:=0 'RE active
OUTA[noparse][[/noparse]18]:=1 'RE deacvtive
OUTA[noparse][[/noparse]20]:=0 'CS deactive
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
·········· So what ever to this project?? im fairlt new to the prop chip but I can see I will need more ram in the not to·distant·future. I would be happy with like 256K or somthing though, hell I couldnt see my self even useing past one meg, specially when you have·that nice little SD card·plug in. I would love a little kit that·can plug in to a bread bord, or even a bagy of chips that you can plug in to a bread bord your self to teach you how writing to an external ram chip is done.
Dose any one know how much ram the prop 2 will have?
The prop2 will have 300k or so RAM.
You can do 256k RAM with a relitevely inexpensive SRAM chip and 2x 74HC573N
on a bread board you would not be able to run it at high speeds though because of poor connections and terible EMI.
I went with 8MW because it has a good price point and it is always good to shoot for higher then lower. Cutting the amount of RAM in half would save only a few dollars and would make it much more expensive for those that do need it.
I have plans to utilize a large portion of 1 of these modules to do high res 16bit colour with a large number of movable transparent sprites. What you plan to do with them is up to you.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
i know it is ineficient but I am just looking for working at the moment. I am using the following to read the ram value:
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $21.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.