How to drive a latching relay
I want to drive a latching relay with Basic Stamp 1, A remanent core latching relay requires a current pulse of opposite polarity to make it change state.·Relay operates with 9V and·300 milliamp, pullse duration to chage state is about·200milisec.
Please help me to find the parts and draw the circuit. I have basic electronic knowledge.
Please help me to find the parts and draw the circuit. I have basic electronic knowledge.
Because it sounds like you need alternating polarity pulses, you may need what's called an H-bridge. The StampWorks Manual gives examples of this using a H-bridge IC (L293), but the same idea also works with discrete transistors. The Wikipedia has a nice article on H-bridges as well as links to practical examples. Do a Google search for "wiki H-bridge".
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 11/3/2009 2:57:50 PM GMT