Multiple DS1620 one Stamp
I'm new to 3-wire comunications, but some research indicates that I could use a single Pin on the stamp to connect to (for instance) the DQ i/o pins of two DS1620 chips and that I could connect another single pin of the stamp to the CLK pins of the two DS1620 and then "strobe" the RST (not) line to each individual DS1620 to discriminate between the two temperature inputs.
When I look for information on 3-wire I've found statements like "all pins can be tied together with the exception of CS (chip-select)".· I have to assume that the RST(not) line is the equivalent of chip select.
I may have as many as 4 DS1620s connected to a stamp; will the pin designated to send signals to the CLK input have sufficient fan out to drive the DS1620s in my scenario?
Any guidance is appreciated.
When I look for information on 3-wire I've found statements like "all pins can be tied together with the exception of CS (chip-select)".· I have to assume that the RST(not) line is the equivalent of chip select.
I may have as many as 4 DS1620s connected to a stamp; will the pin designated to send signals to the CLK input have sufficient fan out to drive the DS1620s in my scenario?
Any guidance is appreciated.
Exactly the information I need.