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Using Power Supply Connection as ON/OFF with BOE Board — Parallax Forums

Using Power Supply Connection as ON/OFF with BOE Board

Dan ToborowskiDan Toborowski Posts: 7
edited 2009-10-28 13:48 in Learn with BlocklyProp
For a project I'm working on I'd like to mount my BOE development board inside a project enclosure box along with the other electronics. Because the board's power switch would inaccessible, can I leave the board switch in the "on" position and install a switch between my wall adapter power supply and the board's barrel plug connector to turn the device on and off or is this bad for the board? The Stamps in Class texts frequently mention the importance of having all connections in place before operating the power switch but this would be similar to turning the board off by yanking the power.

Dan Toborowski
Central Illinois Robotics Club


  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2009-10-28 13:48
    Yes, you can do that. And no, that's not bad for the board.

    The line from the "Stamps In Class" is trying to keep people from adding connections while power is on -- which can have disasterous consequences.
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